
Monday, June 2, 2008

More power to the vegan diet...

So, if you remember a few weeks back, I showed the video "eating" to one of my friends who has had some health problems for quite some time. It is basically a movie talking about the importance of a vegan diet to cure cancer and diabetes and heart disease etc. Since he watched the video he has been eating only vegan fare (so it has been two weeks now). Last night he called me excited because he said that he is noticing a difference in his health problem (it is getting better) and he sounded very excited. I am so glad I showed him the video if it helps him this much. Now, I need to send the video to all of my relatives who are getting over the hill and are having all of these health problems. Sometimes I feel I don't want to send it because I don't want people to think I am telling them what to do but if it helps them it is worth it. Okay, all for now.


  1. Wow- So, I have been gone for a while so I had to read up on what has been going on! Glad to see you are doing well...Well, I am sad to hear that you have been depressed. I am going to pray for you...alot :) I think you should be a raw foods chef. That lasagna looks amazing!
    Well, im bkfrom FL and job hunting- no fun!
    I look fwd to hearing from you soon....and I really hope things turn around for you!!!

  2. Thanks for the support. Well, if you are ever in Atlanta or I am ever in Texas I will teach you whatever I know:-). Good luck with job hunting.
