
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday mornin'

Good morning. So, just been living my life. I have really been enjoying my acting classes that I am taking. One is an improv acting class and the other is sketch comedy. I love the classes because I end up laughing so much. That is so good for me because sometimes it is hard for me to loosen up and just have a good time and I think it is so important to remember to enjoy yourself. Anyways, I feel like I am slowly but surely learning more about myself, who I am and what I want from life. It has been such a long and slow process but it is slowly developing.
So, I was talking on the phone last night to my good friend Tom (started eating vegan and has been for like two months now). So, he came up with this new creation last night, a cashew butter sandwhich with honey and hot sauce! Hmmmmm...he swears it is the best thing ever. So, we were talking some more and he said that his parents are going to start juicing, per their doctor's suggestion. How awesome is that! He said his mom wanted some suggestions for juicing recipes. He was saying that maybe he will start a vegan bachelor blog, yes, you should sooooo do that :-).
So, today at work, my coworkers are having a birthday lunch for myself and another coworker (my bday was like three weeks ago but they kind of just found out that it passed, really sweet of them to throw me a party I think). So, they are having a pizza party and I let them know that I am a vegan and I think it kind of threw them off but they are getting me a vegan pizza and then my coworker said that everyone has lots of questions for me (why vegan, how long, etc). So, probably refer them to the sight the China study and the physicians committee for responsible medicine web site. So, that is what is going on at work.
I have been eating mostly raw but will occasionally have just vegan food. It is hard to be completely raw. I bought a ton of fruit and vegetables last night at the farmers market. One of my favorite things to make lately is zucchini squash pasta with pureed avocado with chunks of tomatoes on top. Yum! Well, that is all for now :-)

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