
Monday, December 8, 2008

My 25th day 100% raw and Delicious Apple Crisp...

This morning I woke up at 7:30 to make this apple crisp for my yoga class. I am always talking about how good raw desserts are (in my opinion better than other desserts) and so I decided I would just let them see how good they are. Last week I told them I was going to bring in a chocolate raw pie and they were all looking forward to it, however, yesterday I went to Rainbow Grocery ( a health food store here in atlanta and the only place I know of to get raw chocolate) at 5 pm and they close at 5 pm and would not let me in the door!!! So, I had to create a plan B. I had a bunch of apples, dates and almonds and I have made this in the past so I decided to make this instead and it worked they all loved it! I was so happy that they enjoyed it! There was only a little bit left which I brought home to give to my dad. Of course, I had to promise them that I would bring them chocolate pie next Monday. So, that has been my day so far. Okay, so here is the recipe!

Raw Apple Crisp:

5 organic pink lady apples sliced very thinly (you can use another type of apple, this is just my favorite apple)
1 lemon
1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon
1/8 cup of agave nectar

Crumble topping:
1 cup of raw almonds
1 cup of raw cashews
1/2 cup of dates
vanilla ( I used 1/4 of a vanilla bean but you can use vanilla extract)
1 teaspoon of cinnamon

Directions: Slice the apple thinly, squeeze the juice of one lemon into the apples and allow it to marinate with the agave nectar and cinnamon for 1-2 hours. Make sure you have stirred this mixture evenly. For the crumble topping first put the almonds and cashews in the food processor and mix until grounded finely. Next add the vanilla, dates and cinnamon and process until mixed thoroughly and fine. Then, you sprinkle the crumble on top of the apples and garnish the top with some apple slices and sprinkle a little bit of cinnamon on top and your done!

*This recipe is so delicious and it will truly impress friends and family. It is also super easy! Again, let me know if you try it!


  1. That looks delicious!!

  2. Looks great! I would like to request this as my christmas present.

  3. Richard,

    Sure! Had a great time at the party on Saturday!

  4. Wow! That looks amazing! I just found your blog, I am going to add it to my blog list if you don't mind! :)

  5. My 11 year old daughter and I made this apple crisp and we absolutely loved it. It is amazing! I had enough to take the work the next day and I was licking the bowl. I have been raw 2 weeks and I am amazed how good real living food tastes. Thank you April for making this transition that much easier with your amazing recipes.

  6. Tanya,

    That means so much to me! Thank you for sharing that!

  7. I had always been looking for an apple crisp recipe that needs no cooking and easy to prepare. Thanks for sharing it with us. My kids loved it when I prepared it last weekend and they begged me to do it again so they can bring some to school.

  8. While I know you posted this nearly two years, I just made it this afternoon and felt compelled to comment on how much I enjoyed it.

    WOW, this is phenomenal! Tastes just like apple pie as I remember it, what a welcome addition to my high raw diet.

    Thanks, April!

  9. I am going to go get some of these tonight at Whole Foods. Great review - I'm looking forward to starting raw!
