
Friday, December 19, 2008

Today is Friday...

So, today is Friday as many of you may know. I am proud of myself because both yesterday and today I ran two miles in the morning. I am always wanting to get back into running so this is a good thing for me to do. Today I did yoga and then went running. I do think that being physically active is just as important as eating healthy. I know I have probably said this in the past as well. I have not made any new recipes this week, I will try and get back up to speed so you guys have some mouthwatering treats to look at on this blog. I hope you guys enjoyed the video I made. I had a lot of fun editing it and want to continue to make videos in the future. I am thinking about doing a 60 raw food day challenge so I'll let you guys know if I decide to do that. Yesterday I went to a wonderful vegan restaurant called cafe sunflower and had a delicious non raw meal. If you live in atlanta, regardless if you are vegan or not your should check it out, very delicious! I went with my friend Tom who lives here in Atlanta and he has been such a good friend to me. He gave me some christmas gifts yesterday, an avocado pitter and slicer, a salad dressing maker as well as some peelers that do fancy stuff. I am a sucker for kitchen gadgets I must say.
After I finish writing this blog I am heading off to the store to do some christmas shopping. I am a bit of a procrastinator in many ways. I am adding two of my poems for ya'll to read.

Have the wonder and adventuresome spirit of a child.
Open the dimensions of your heart to love, excitement, and connection.
Believe in rainbows that lead you to your dreams.
Embrace the people who love you. Embrace and love yourself.
Trust that all of your wildest dreams and more will manifest in your life.

Been asleep for so many years.
Shut down to the world.
Trying to find the parts of myself that dared to dream, impatiently looked forward to the next day, loved without holding back.
Wanting to feel alive again,
Wanting to love life again.

Awakening my soul to inner peace, intuition and divinity.
To know anything is possible.
To dream big but live even bigger.
To connect with my destiny and my hearts desires.
To imagine.
To play.
To laugh.
To dance.
To be alive.
Take a chance.


  1. Great blog! I am new to raw, since the beginning of October and have really embraced the lifestyle. I live far out in the country, in Oregon, now with my BF and his young son. They are very supportive and my BF eats lots of raw food with me but I don't the he will be vegan for a long time.

    Anyway, cheers to you, great photos, and videos, that cranberry cheezecake looks lovely!

  2. Good job with running! I'm heading to the gym myself in a short while. Exercise is VERY important. It's hard to call yourself truly healthy unless you're physically fit as well :)

    I love kitchen gadgets, too. So fun!


  3. zucchini, welcome to my blog, thanks for all the supportive words and good for you for eating raw! Yay!

    Kristen, as always a pleasure to hear from you and yay for exercise! And kitchen gadgets!
