
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Can't get enough pie...key lime and strawberrye pies...

I made both of these delicious pies tonight. I made the strawberry pie to share w. my boyfriend Dave and my brother and his girlfriend. It was yummy. The key lime pie is for a raw food potluck that I am going to tomorrow afternoon. What can I say I am stuck on raw pies. They are sooooo good and easy to make and fun to garnish. Enjoy these recipes :).

Strawberry pie:

crust - 2 cups of almonds
1 cup of dates

filling - 1 cup of strawberries
2 cups of cashews
3 tablespoons of coconut butter
1 vanilla bean
2 tablespoons of water

Directions: process the almonds for the crust in the food processor until fine. Add the dates and process finally pressing the crust into your pie pan. For the filling add the strawberries and water to the bottom of your vitamixer, next add the rest of the ingredients and process until it is smooth. Pour the filling into the crust and chill in the fridge. Garnish the pie with sliced strawberries. Enjoy :)

Key lime pie: (by the way this is sooooooooooooo good, it may be one of my faves so far).

1 cup of almonds
2 cups of dried coconut
1 cup of dates

1 vanilla bean
1 cup of fresh coconut meat
1/4 cup of coconut water
1 cup of raw cashews
3 tablespoons of coconut butter
Juice of 5 limes
1 cup of dates

Process the crust ingredients in a food processor and press into a pie pan. Put the liquid filling ingredients into the vita mixer first, then add the solid ingredients. Process until very fine and smooth. Pour the filling into the crust. Allow the pie to set in the fridge over night and serve the next day. Garnish the pie with limes in your own creative fashion. This is sooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood. Share with friends and enjoy it!


  1. Wow!! Very very very much drooling over here!! :) YUMMMM!! :)

  2. Thanks! They were both pretty good, however, I must say the key lime pie was my favorite! I mean, it is ranking up towards one of my favorite desserts that I have made :)

  3. omg those look really good, you really make me wanna convert to raw food now!

  4. girl,
    thanks for the compliment :)! raw desserts are seriously better than anything else! Seriously!

  5. Hi Apryl! I think I am going to try the strawberry pie, I have all of the ingredients- it looks yummy! I will go and buy the ingredients for the key lime- I don't have the limes or coconut-I think my hubby would love that one! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Let me know if you end up trying them!

  8. oh. my. goodness! mmmm strawberry pie! that looks just so.. I can't even think of a word to describe it! Thank you for sharing! I must try this!
