
Friday, January 30, 2009

Lemon Pudding...

I made this lemon pudding last night during a sweet craving. There is some vegan cake in the fridge and I opted to have this raw dessert instead of a slice of vegan cake. Lately I have been trying to get going on a 60 day raw food vegan challenge but I usually only go a few days until I get off of it. I love raw food and I think the variety and taste is amazing, delicious and fresh but sometimes I opt for something quicker that I can just pick up from the store. I try not to get discouraged from it, each day is a new day and I am eating a great deal of healthy food. I did do the 30 day challenge so hopefully I will do this 60 day challenge one day soon. Wish me luck! If you want to make this lemon pudding for yourself, which makes a great dessert or even breakfast (as I am going to eat leftovers for breakfast this morning) here is the recipe!

Lemon Pudding (raw):

1 thai coconut
4 medjol organic dates
1 lemon
4 strawberries to garnish
1 banana

*Open up the thai coconut however you know how to. (If you don't know how look up how to on you tube). Once the coconut is open pour the water into the vitamixer as well as the meat from the coconut. Add the dates after you have taken out the seeds. Squeeze the juice from one lemon into the mixture and then blend it all up until very smooth. Finally, garnish the lemon pudding with cut up strawberries and bananas and enjoy!


  1. Sounds decadent and amazing! Yum! I am keeping this recipe!

  2. It was quite good and simple. Well, opening the coconut is a bit difficult but the rest is easy :)

  3. Definitely going to try this!

    Thanks for sharing

  4. Awesome! I hope that you like it :)
