
Friday, January 23, 2009

Raw and other random things...

I don't have any recipes to post today. I have actually been so busy now that I am back in school taking theatre, piano, and voice. I have mostly been eating kale salads with baslamic vinegarette dressing. Kale is such a wonderful plant, filled with calcium and vitamins and minerals. It is amazing how much a large kale salad can fill you up. Sometimes I sprinkle cashews on top and sometimes strawberries. I also have not been eating 100% raw since my 30 day challenge. I tried doing a 60 day challenge but went about 11 days. I am hoping to make quite a few recipes this weekend, including a raw cake, which I have never actually made before. I want to get back into eating 100% raw and maybe do a 60 day challenge so I'll keep ya'll posted if I do that. I also have a goal of getting back into running again, like 3 miles a day would be good. I am teaching one free yoga class a week at the Decatur library and that is going well, I have a good solid 12 people that come to it consistently. Now, I am just looking to add more yoga classes where I will actually charge for classes but I want to keep the free class going. Things can be busy and hectic and I often times miss living in hawaii on the ecovillage where things were simple and not rushed and I had time to spend a lot of quality time with people. I don't know if I will go back there again or not, for now I will finish my classes for the semester. I also have a very sweet boyfriend and it is awesome because he is very interested in eating raw food and watching and learning more about how to eat a healthy diet. Actually, we are both going to attempt to make a raw cake this sunday for his brother's birthday because he doesn't want his brother to have an unhealthy cake filled with cholesterol and refined sugars. On another note I am working on finding ways to market my e-book. I am thinking about selling it on amazon. If you have any good tips for marketing please share them with me:). I am signing off to bed and will dream of raw desserts dancing in my head.

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