
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Macaroni and Cheeze...

I took the idea of the cheeze recipe from last potluck I attended and made a raw macaroni and cheeze. I made this recipe today for lunch. So what else has been going on in my life you may ask, well, my theatre classes at Georgia Perimeter College have been going well. We really have a lot of fun and do a lot of improv games and reading from scripts. I am also taking private voice and piano lessons at Georgia Perimeter and I am enjoying those as well. I just recently auditioned at for a play entitled Arcadia written by Tom Stoppard and got asked for a call back so that is great as well. I will know if I have gotten the part Tuesday evening. As far as my future plans I have applied to be a volunteer at a place called Kripalu located in Mass for the summer months May - August of 2009. I have thought about doing this and I think it is a good time for me to do something like this, more self exploration and self development I guess. I know they serve raw foods and it just sounds like and enviroment and a community that I want to be a part of. So, that is what is new with me. Now, for the recipe...
Macaroni and Cheeze:

4 zucchinis

2 cups of cashews
1/2 cup of water
1/2 bell pepper
1/8 cup of onion
1 garlic clove
1 tablespoon of salt
1 tablespoon of sesame seeds

1 package of mushrooms
1 tomato
Fresh basil

*First make the zucchini noodles by using a peeler to peel the zucchini into thin strips. Make the sauce by putting all of the sauce ingredients into the vitamixer until you get a smooth consistency. Cut up the mushrooms thinly, dice the tomatoes and cut up the basil finely and garnish on top of the dish. I hope you like this.


  1. Kripalu is a wonderful place!!! I LOVE it there and hope to train there someday. But first I plan on taking Kundalini Yoga teacher training. You will love it at Kripalu, the whole experience is wonderful. I am only an hour from it.
    The mac and ch looks great!

    Love always

  2. Sweetie,
    Wow, thanks for letting me know that! I really hope they choose me as a volunteer!

  3. I love quick and easy recipes! This one sounds delicious too.

    I am very familiar with Kripalu. A summer in residence will be a life-changing experience for you. Just as an FYI – you'll find a lovely salad bar on the lunch and dinner buffet lines daily, and fresh fruit is also available. Other than that, most soups and entrees will be cooked vegetarian and/or vegan.

  4. Earthmother,

    Thanks so much for this tip about the raw foods. I wonder if they would let me make any raw desserts, I would love that!

  5. I wonder if they are making more raw foods now though?
    When did you go Earth Mother? I only say this because they hired a friend of mine [a raw food chef] to teach their cooks. So maybe there has been some changes made? If not it seems like they are moving towards it.=-)

    Love always

  6. yes,
    my yoga teacher who loves to go there told me that they had a raw food bar when she went or something equivalent to that. I guess I'll see if I go. thanks everyone :)

  7. Yum! By the way, I just received the Eating dvd you sent me and started watching it today. It's really interesting! Thanks again :)

  8. Paulina,

    Great, I am glad you like the video!
