
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Vegan Sugar Cookies and Merry Christmas!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas this year.  I had a very nice Christmas.  I was lucky to spend it with my wonderful family and my amazing boyfriend.  We drove through a beautiful light show last night at a local college, opened some presents this morning, ate lunch with family, and played some board games this afternoon.  I was very excited to get a four tray Excalibur dehydrator.  I am ready to continue experimenting with bread and cracker recipes.

A good friend of mine suggested that we sew our own Christmas stockings this year.  The above stocking is the result of my hand sewn stocking.  I must say I was proud of it.  The sugar cookies above were delicious.  I have never made home made vegan sugar cookies before so I found a recipe online (check it out here) and they turned out great.  I did hear Santa was planning to go on a diet so I left him some of these cookies with almond milk to wash them down.  He didn't leave a crumb so I think he liked them.

On the menu for last nights dinner was black bean burgers (recipe here), home made baked fries (recipe), and broccoli casserole (a new creation).  The broccoli casserole was delicious but I did not get a chance to snap a picture of it.  I will share the broccoli casserole recipe with everyone tonight.  Then, I have to hit the sack.  This girl is tired!  Did you try any new holiday recipes?

Broccoli Casserole:

3 heads of broccoli
one cup of basmati rice
1 cup of almond milk
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp onion powder
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 onion diced
1 cup cashews
1/2 cup of water
1 lemon

Directions:  In a pot lightly steam the broccoli until cooked.  Cook the basmati rice (we use a rice cooker to make it).  In a food processor blend the cashews until creamy with 1/2 cup of water.  Set the oven to 350 degrees.  Once the rice and broccoli are done cooking, put them into a casserole dish and add the creamy cashews, almond milk, garlic powder, onion powder, sea salt, diced onions and lemon.  Mix this up and bake it in the over for 30 minutes.  Enjoy the creamy casserole dish with friends and family!  Enjoy!


  1. Sounds delicious, especially the casserole! Happy New Year! :-)

  2. Delicious recipe! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you! The casserole is wonderful, hope you try it!

  4. Great recipe, will try it out this weekend when the kids arrive.

    "I did hear Santa was planning to go on a diet so I left him some of these cookies with almond milk to wash them down. He didn't leave a crumb so I think he liked them. "---Now this is quite clever!
