
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Spaghetti with Carrot Noodles

Who doesn't love a giant plate of spaghetti?  Spaghetti was a staple dish in my family growing up, only with a slight twist to it.  My father became a vegetarian when he was in his twenties (similar to me).  By the time I was born he had been a vegetarian for a number of years.  My mother was not a vegetarian and was always concerned about my father getting the proper amount of protein in his diet.  She used to make spaghetti with peanuts in it to make sure he was getting some protein.  I never grew up with spaghetti and meatballs, just peanuts.  As far as I was concerned peanuts went with spaghetti like mustard goes with ketchup.

I have added some of my own twists to this dish as my diet has changed over the years.  I have had raw spaghetti with delicious zucchini noodles.  I have two yummy recipes for raw spaghetti here and here.  My newest version uses carrot noodles.  I like carrot noodles better when they are cooked opposed to eating them raw.  They get softer and taste like a real noodle.  I had this plate of spaghetti for lunch today and it was delicious.  By using the vegetable as a noodle I stay away from eating the refined flour that is in the typical spaghetti noodle.  

I hope you enjoy my twist on spaghetti and try this recipe out for yourself!

Spaghetti with Carrot Noodles:

5 large carrots 
1/4 onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 can organic tomato sauce
5 mushrooms
dried parsley to garnish

Directions:  Use a vegetable peeler to create your own carrot noodles.  Boil the noodles in a pot with 4 cups of water for 10 minutes.  In a pan saute the garlic, onion and mushrooms.  When this is complete, add the tomato sauce and continue to cook the sauce.  Drain the carrot noodles and place the desired amount of noodles on a plate with your spaghetti sauce.  Garnish the dish with parsley flakes.  Yum!