
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tea Time: Some of my Favorites and Home Made Mint Tea


I have never been a coffee drinker.  I simply do not like coffee.  The first time I tried coffee was when I was twelve years old.  I was with my family at formal sit down event and someone suggested that I try coffee for the first time.  Well, the first sip was very bitter for my taste.  After adding lots of sugar and milk to it I began to like it a lot and drank one too many cups of it.  I was sick for the rest of the night and ever since then I haven't wanted coffee again.  Instead of coffee I drink tea.

It is only in the past year that I have become a tea drinker.  I have not been reimbursed by yogi tea, I just really like the stuff.  I drink it to unwind or warm myself up when it is chilly.  I also drink it for therapeutic reasons.  When I feel myself coming down with a cold I drink tea with echinacea to boost my immune system.  When I can't sleep at night I drink bedtime tea or Kava Stress Relief tea.  Both of these teas help me to have a great night's rest, and to feel very refreshed in the morning.  These are just some of the examples of the benefits I have received from drinking tea.

I do like yogi tea because of the organic ingredients.  Another perk is that each tea bag has a positive message attached to it.  As you drink your tea you can meditate on this message.  I have used Celestial Seasons bedtime tea and found that it worked just as well for me when I have trouble sleeping.  It knocks me out.  I think the best place to buy yogi tea is on amazon.  If you buy it in bulk you can get each box for around $3 and normally they cost around $4.50 or higher at the store.  Sometimes Kroger will have a sale on yogi tea, which would be a great time to buy them in bulk.  

In some of my past posts I have mentioned that I have TONS of mint growing in my back yard.  Lately I have started making my own home made mint tea.  Mint tea has many therapeutic benefits.  It is helpful for relieving stomach pain, relaxes the mind, and some sources say it is helpful to drink before bed for a good nights rest.  I had a cup before breakfast this morning and the aroma alone is reason enough to drink this soothing tea.  The best part about mint tea is that I can have it for free from my own backyard.  

If you enjoy knitting you can have a cup of warm tea as you knit.  Below is one of my latest knitting projects: I am working on sock one for my pair of socks.

If you have mint growing in your backyard you should definitely try out this recipe!

Mint Tea

8 Mint Leaves
2 Cups of Water

1)  Fill a pan with two cups of water and put your mint leaves into the pot.
2)  Bring the water to a boil and boil the leaves for five minutes.
3)  Take out the mint leaves and drink the tea once it has cooled.  Enjoy!


  1. Hmmm... I've been very curious about growing my own tea. I don't drink caffeine, so the camelia sinenses doesn't interest me. I'm growing chamomile at the moment and will grow mint soon.

  2. Good luck to you with making home made tea. I love chamomile tea.

  3. Hmmmmm lovely sock. What yarn is that?

  4. Anastasia@healthymamainfo.comMay 13, 2012 at 1:52 PM

    This is my most favorite tea ever!! Mint contains a number of vitamins and minerals, and it's rich in Vitamins A and C and also contains smaller amounts of Vitamin B2. Love it, thank for sharing this beautiful post!

  5. Hi April,

    I just discovered your blog and was wondering if you could e-mail me? I was wanting to use some of your recipes, (with credit back to you of course on my website and newsletter.) I couldn't for the life of me find your e-mail. My e-mail is rawglow at (no spaces)


  6. I have mint right now. Great idea. Will be making mint tea today.

    Cute knitting project :-)

  7. Awesome! And thanks, I am still working on the first socks of my pair but hopefully in a few weeks I will be close to done!

  8. Thanks for this idea!, I just made some mint tea with leaves from peppermint plants that were growing wildly on my grass, this might be a common sense question but was i supposed to wash the leaves first? I didn't bother since no pesticides were used, thanks again!
