
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Beauty Recipe and Girls Night in

Avocados are one of my favorite fruits. They are wonderful in desserts (especially chocolate pie and chocolate pudding), great in guacamole and great smeared on your face as a beauty mask! I currently have three wonderful roommates. We have a social calendar where we plan things like "girls night out", "girls night in", "room mate potluck night" and "game night". When I told them about the avocado face mask they wanted to try it for our "girls night in". Our night started with pedicures and wine and ended with avocado on our faces complete with silly pictures. We left the mask on our face for an hour and then we washed it off. My skin felt great when I washed it off, it was softer than usual and felt tingly clean. Since that first time I have been doing these natural beauty masks on a regular basis and lately I have been sleeping in the mask. When I sleep with the avocado face mask on and wash it off my skin feels extremely soft and clean! The avocado hardens after 30 minutes so I can easily sleep in the mask without getting avocado all over the place. Since our first attempt I have tweaked the recipe a bit. Instead of just plain avocado I now add fresh squeezed lemon juice and sea salt to the recipe. The sea salt and lemon juice both exfoliate your skin. I hope you get a chance to try out this beauty mask! Thanks to my roommates for allowing me to post our pictures! Beauty Mask Ingredients: 1 avocado, 1 lemon, 1 teaspoon of sea salt Directions: Use a hand held blender to mix the ingredients until you get a very smooth and creamy texture. Generously apply this to your face and enjoy!


  1. I've heard of the avocado mask, but never tried it. I'll have to try it now though. Sounds like a fun night. :)

  2. That looks like a lot of fun. Haven't used an avocado mask yet. Maybe I will give it a try.

  3. Thanks for a natural way to feel beautiful, April! That was so much fun.

  4. It was totally fun and it works great! Jane, your welcome, glad ya'll were open to trying something new :-).

  5. I've always heard of the avocado mask - I need to have my girls try that out! :-)

    Blessings, Debra
    Raw Vegan Diet

  6. It really does make my skin so soft. I love it!

  7. Hey,
    This is the nice post and this post is really appreciable and informatics i like this post too much and more enjoy with girls night in. Now you don’t have to restrict yourself to one dimensional entertainment.
