
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sweet Potato Bread and thoughts on 100 % Raw

Lately I am really enjoying trying different types of bread recipes. Raw breads are wonderful to add to salads, to make a quick sand which with, or to dip in guacamole or salsa. They really help me to vary my meals and to find more pleasure in my meals. I highly recommend this recipe for sweet potato bread. I enjoyed mine today by dipping it into guacamole. Now, to be or not to be 100 % raw, that is the question. Everybody has something to say on the matter and sometimes it may be confusing figuring out what is right for your body. I personally find that my body functions best when I am eating 100% raw foods, although I struggle with always following through with this principle. I find that when I go stretches of time ( 2 - 4 weeks) eating 100% raw I look and feel more vibrant, my face is clearer, I am more intuitive, and I am about five pounds lighter than when I incorporate cooked vegan foods. I notice that when I start eating a lot of cooked starches or grains I start to bloat up 5 - 10 lbs, I start getting pimples and I don't feel as great overall. I am definitely not saying that eating 100% raw is right for everyone but I think it may be right for some people. I struggle with wanting to go 100% raw
and fitting into social situations and missing some of my favorites. I am working on creating a balance that is right for myself and that is healthiest for me. I am also working on creating new raw favorites so that I don't miss the cooked favorites as much. This sweet potato bread is definitely up at the top of my list. What do you find works best for you?

Sweet Potato Bread Recipe:

2 sweet potatoes

1 cup of flax seeds

1/4 cup of honey

1 tbsp cinnamon

1 dash of sea salt to taste

Directions: Combine all of the ingredients into a vitamixer and blend until smooth and well combined. Spread the mixture onto a dehydrator tray and set the temperature at 115 degrees. Leave it in the dehydrator for 15 hours and then break them apart and eat them with a favorite dish!


  1. Thanks for the recipe! I'm always looking for a way to use sweet potatoes.

    I understand your position on 100% raw--feels great, but tough to pull off all the time. I've been at my very best while juice feasting, followed by 100% raw vegan. Everything else feels less than ideal, but my social and family life doesn't make 100% consistently doable for me--yet!

  2. Candice, I do hope you get to try out this recipe :-). Yep, I think making raw work socially is a challenge, too bad it isn't the norm at restaurants etc. Just being vegan is different enough, let alone raw :-). Good luck on your journey!

  3. I feel precisely the same! I have been about 100% raw for 3 years now, (woot woot), but sometimes I cave and have a cooked vegan meal with friends, I get pimples when I eat sugary foods and really feel best 100% raw. That's just what works for me! Sometimes I want more than a salad when I'm out with friends, that's the hard part for me: balancing a social life while staying true to my diet. thanks for the recipe, looks yummy!

  4. Well said. Thanks for another great recipe, too.

  5. Francine,
    Thanks for the comment! Yes when everyone is ordering all kinds of yummy food it is hard to get a salad not to mention that salads at restaurants are not always that appetizing looking. I hope you get to try out the recipe.


    Thanks for your comment too!

  6. Hi April. I just happened up on your blog and love it! I have been a vegan for going on a year now, and am trying to incorporate more raw foods into my diet. I just started a partial raw food diet yesterday that I am trying for a week. I am trying to eat raw all day until dinner for at least a week to see how I feel. Raw is all new to me, but I am all for it. :o)
    You have some awesome looking and sounding recipes. I need to go out and buy a dehydrator now, so I can make this yummy looking bread. :)
    I'm adding your blog to my blog roll, :o)

  7. I think when it gets difficult to remain raw is when you need to make it simpler.
    These sweet potato crisps look amazing and I can't wait to try them!
    Blessings, Debra
    Raw Vegan Diet

  8. Michelle,
    Good luck to you with adding more raw foods to your diet. It is great to experiment and see what works best for your body. By the way, I use a nesco dehydrator which you can get for around 40 bucks online. An excalibur is better and I hope to buy one soon but is not a necessity.


    I think that is great advice to get simpler with your diet when overwhelmed. For the most part I eat lots of salads, green smoothies and fruit and when I make special things I post them up here.

  9. This looks yummmy- I really want to get a dehydrator! When I do, this will be top of my list :)

    I'm at about 50-60% RAW right now and wish I could go closer to 100%... but a busy life of moving, house renovations, raising a 2-year-old etc. have kept me so busy and out of the kitchen more then I would like!

    BUT my mom has recently had some bad health problems and she and I have talked about buckling down and getting more RAW in our diet. I'm planning on encouraging her while being more disciplined myself.

    thanks for your recipes and thoughts- I look forward to them :)

  10. Lisa,
    Thanks for your comment :-). I do love dehydrators. They really help me make some fun dishes and help me to stay higher on raw foods. Good luck to you on your journey and remember to be patient with yourself and just do your best!

    Cheers :-)

  11. Hi I am new to your lovely blog. Thanks for the sweet potato recipes, I have never tried that. This is such an interesting topic. I just had this chat the last couple of days about being what % of raw people are.

  12. Sasha,

    Thank you for your comment! I hope you get to try this recipe:-)
    Honestly, I go back and forth with myself quite a bit on this issue, trying to do what is best for my body and fit in socially without offending anybody :-). Ultimately we have to do what is best for our body and try to graciously share it with others.

    Thanks :-)

  13. Hi there! When using your dehydrator, do you use parchment paper? Or what do you use to spread the mixture on? Your dehydrator is round, right? Thanks!

  14. Kristy,

    Yes I have a round nesco dehydrator. I use parchment paper and use a spatula to spread out the ingredients. Have a great day!

  15. Do you peel and cut up the potatoes? Thanks:)

  16. Healthy Snacking-the best kind! Thanks for such a delicious recipe.

  17. This looks awesome! Going to try to make the bread today. Very inspiration blog.

