
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mango Cake

Right now I am able to buy mangoes for a great deal at my farmers market. I buy a box of nine for five bucks. You can't beat that. I have been making mango salads, mango smoothies and just last night a mango cake! As I mentioned in my last post my boyfriend's birthday is this weekend so I decided to make him a mango cake. Lately I am really enjoying this cake recipe. I alter it here and there adjusting for different flavors but this recipe is a winner for sure. Many raw food cake recipes are very heavy in nuts (almonds or walnuts). This not only ends up being very expensive but also very heavy. I only use dried coconut in my cakes as the flour (no sugar added) and they turn out light and delicious! I buy the dried coconut at my farmers market for $1 a bag (approximately) and each bag holds about 3 cups of dried coconut flakes. My total cost for a cake usually averages around $10 rather than $20 - $30 when purchasing lots of nuts! Anyways, I am looking forward to this weekend as we are driving up to Chattanooga to go to Rock City and Anna Ruby Falls. Then we will stay with family that night and drive back to Atlanta on Sunday. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Delicious Mango Cake:

Ingredients for cake: 9 cups of dried coconut flakes, 2 1/2 cups of dates, 1 cup of water, 1 mango, sea salt to taste, cinnamon to taste.

Directions for cake: Pour the dried coconut flakes into a large mixing bowl. In a vitamixer add the dates, water, mango, sea salt and cinnamon and blend until completely smooth.

Icing Ingredients: 3 cups of cashews, 1 mango, 1/2 cup of coconut oil, 1 cup of honey

Icing Directions: Place all ingredients into a vitamixer and blend until smooth. Ice your cake. If you want to experiment with cake decorating tools for the frosting it is lots of fun! Garnish your cake with diced mangoes and enjoy!


  1. This looks great. I love mango's. I could go for a slice of that now.

  2. Yum! Now I know what to do with all of my mangoes

  3. Thanks Sasha! I can't wait to eat it tonight! And it is a great thing to do with lots of mangoes :-). Enjoy!
