
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Carrot Cake

I made this carrot cake last night for our room mate dinner potluck night. Our dinner last night was one of my favorites so far! One of my roommates made a wonderful asparagus pasta sauce (made from asparagus that was boiled, lemon zest, lemon, olive oil and salt). I had this sauce over zucchini pasta while my other roommates ate the sauce over brown rice pasta. We also had a delicious melon smoothie which was made from watermelon, cucumber, honeydew and cantaloupe in the blender until liquid. I am on the only one of my room mates who is a vegan but they always make vegan food that I can eat which is very sweet. I have very sweet roommates and I am so thankful for them!

This weekend I got my hands dirty playing in the dirt! I helped my boyfriend landscape his front yard by weeding and starting three different flower gardens. I have not planted many flowers in my life time so I was proud of the work that we did. We had a flower garden by the mailbox and two other ones that surrounded two trees in the front yard. Overall we planted approximately 66 flowers. I dedicated one of the flower gardens to my mother, who passed away 14 years ago. We are also working on our vegetable garden. We started our seedlings off growing them indoors. We are growing organic basil, organic tomatoes, organic cucumber, organic zucchini, and bell peppers. They are all very tall now and this week we will be planting them outside into a garden area. Having a vegetable garden is something I have always wanted to do but have never done. I am excited to finally get my feet wet and see if I can bear the fruit of my labor! If our garden is successful it will be exciting to save money on produce! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and thanks to all of the wonderful mothers out there who have helped to make us who we are! Although my mother is no longer here (she passed away from breast cancer), I had her until I was 15 years old and I couldn't have asked for someone more loving and caring to guide me into the world.

Carrot Cake

Cake Ingredients: 6 cups of fine coconut flakes, 2 cups of dates, dash of sea salt and 4 carrots.

Cake Directions: Put the coconut flakes into a bowl. Blend the dates in a vitamixer with one cup of water until smooth. Add the carrots to the vitamixer. Blend until smooth and add to the coconut flakes. Mix and press into a pie pan.

Icing Ingredients: 3 cups of cashews, 2 lemons (zest and juice), 1 cup of honey, 2 tbsp of coconut oil, 1/2 cup of water to blend.

Icing Directions: Put all of the ingredients into the vitamixer. Mix until completely smooth and creamy. Ice your cake. If you want to make the icing orange simply add some carrot juice to the icing.



  1. Very nice !( )

  2. Looks beautiful, thanks for sharing.
    Peace and Raw Health,

  3. This looks so good! I've never had luck making raw carrot cake, I will have to try yours!

  4. Thanks to everybody for the encouraging comments! This is delicious and I hope ya'll get a chance to try out the recipe!

  5. That looks fabulous! I'm totally going to try this soon :) I may scale it down a bit since I'm the only one in my house that likes sweets..but I can't wait to try it!

  6. Sonia,

    Thanks for letting me know! I hope you enjoy it! I sure did!

  7. I am definitely book marking your site for later, such awesome recipes!

  8. Hi! I tried your carrot cake recipe a few days ago, and it turned out pretty good:) But I used desiccated coconut instead of coconut flakes- I dont know if there is any difference ( a bit confusing with the norwegian words and stuff), but it tasted more like a coconut cake than carrot.. is that right? anyways- Im making a post about the cake on my blog with a link to yours:)
    Thank you for the great recipe:)

  9. I am glad you tried the recipe! I went to your blog to check it out and it looks yummy. It might have a strong coconut taste I suppose, I just always use coconut flakes in my cakes because I prefer using them over nuts that are also popularly used. Thanks for trying it and sharing!
