
Wednesday, May 18, 2011


It is funny that my room mates are not vegan but they are constantly giving me new ideas of vegan and raw food recipes to try! The other day my room mates bought popsicle holders and filled them with tons of fresh fruit that was mixed in the vitamixer (grape, mango, banana, lemon and orange). They were so tasty that I was inspired to go out and buy my own popsicle holders. I saw this fudgesicle recipe a long time ago and always wanted to try it but somehow never got around to it. Today I decided to try it and shared the results with my room mates. The overall turnout was great! They were delicious, creamy and tasted like a fudgesicle without the refined sugar or cholesterol! This is an extremely easy and quick recipe and really tastes like the real thing. I definitely suggest it for those hot summer days!

In other news I have decided to tweak my raw food routine by adding green vegetable juice every day. I used to juice my veggies on a regular basis when I first got into raw foods years ago and it really gave me the extra edge I was looking for. Today I made celery, cucumber apple juice and it was delicious! Do you juice greens on a regular basis and do notice when you don't juice?


Ingredients: 1 avocado, 1 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup of water, 1/4 cup of honey, 1/4 cup of raw chocolate powder.

Directions: Mix all of the ingredients in a blender or vitamixer. Taste to see if it is sweet enough or chocolaty enough and if it is pour it into your popsicle molds. This amount is enough to make four popsicles for the mold in the picture. Freeze for 5 hours and then enjoy with friends!


  1. Brilliant! And so simple - leaves me with that "Doh! Why didn't I think of that?!" feeling but am so very glad someone else thought of it and shared hehe ;)

  2. Great idea. I am going to try them with the raw carob I just got!!
    Peace and RAw Health,

  3. Yay! Hope you both like the recipe and I think the carob is a great idea too!

  4. Such a great idea! I am going to have to try this with my family.

  5. Thanks and let me know how it turns out :-).

  6. This sounds SO yummy! I just found your blog and I can't wait to try all your great ideas!


  7. Hi! I just found your blog, and I like it! Im from Norway and just started getting into raw food, so Im definitely going to follow you blog for ideas and recipes:)
    This recipe looks so good! Im trying it tomorrow;)

  8. Thanks Meg! I will check out your blog as well! Silje, I have a friend who lives in Norway that eats raw food as well! Good luck on your journey!
