
Friday, June 3, 2011

Peach Cobbler

Summertime is definitely the time to make cobbler! I have made blueberry, blackberry, and apple cobbler before but peach cobbler is a new one for me! I do live in Georgia after all which is the peach state and right now I can buy two pounds of Georgia peaches for $1.99. So I loaded up on peaches this week! I can't tell you the end result of how this tastes because I am still waiting for my boyfriend so we can eat it together.

In other news, sorry that I have been missing in action lately! Last week I moved to new living quarters and am just now getting organized in the new place! I have also been working on my new yoga website as I am going to really focus on doing yoga full time. I am getting ready to launch the website next week and am very excited! I also wrote an article for an online raw food magazine that is supposed to be published mid June. I will keep you all posted on that! In the article I combine my love for raw food and yoga, sharing recipes and an entire yoga routine! I hope you get to try this recipe and let me know how it is!

Peach Cobbler:

Filling - 10 peaches, 1/4 cup of honey, 1 tbsp cinnamon, dash of sea salt.

Directions: Cut out the pits and put the peaches into the vitamixer with the honey, cinnamon and sea salt. Mix on a low setting so you still have peach chunks and pour this into a 9 inch pie pan.

Crumble topping - 2 cups of dates, 4 cups of dried coconut flakes, dash of sea salt, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1/2 cup of water, 1 tbsp cinnamon.

Directions: Pour the dried coconut into a large mixing bowl. In a vitamixer add the dates, water, sea salt, coconut oil and cinnamon. Mix this until it is creamy without any chunks. Add the date mixture to the bowl of dried coconut and mix until well combined. Press this crumble topping on top of the peach mixture in the pie pan. If you would like the garnish the dessert simply slice some peaches and arrange them on top of the cobbler. Enjoy!


  1. Congrats on the move and article! Cobbler sounds perfect!

  2. THat looks amazing! I can't wait for your yoga site to launch, I'm sure I will be one of your first followers :)

  3. Thanks Lauren, I will give you all the information when it does come out! Heather, thanks, I appreciate your support!
