
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Watermelon Pops and My Daily Routine

I am still having fun making Popsicles since I last made my delicious fudgsicles. Summer is a great time to make Popsicles with all the fruit in season. It is 86 degrees currently in Atlanta and a nice cold Popsicle really hits the spot.

So, I wanted to talk a little bit about what a typical day looks like for me as a yoga teacher and as a raw foodie. Around 7:30 a.m. I run 2.5 miles to get cardio into my day. Running is something I just recently added back into my day. I aim to do this 3 - 5 times per week. I always take the weekends off for running. At 8:30 a.m. I come back home and take a cold/ warm shower. From 9 - 10 a.m. I practice one hour of yoga. Lately I have been enjoying yin yoga practice. Yin yoga is a style where you hold hip opening poses anywhere from 2 - 20 minutes. I have gained a lot of flexibility compared to when I first began yoga as a student but I feel limited by my lack of flexibility sometimes as a teacher and want to address this. Yin yoga is helping me to reach new levels of flexibility and it feels amazing. Around 10 a.m. I make myself either a fresh fruit smoothie, a rejuvenating vegetable juice, or eat something random. For instance, today I have been eating Popsicles all morning! Sometimes I will make a smoothie right after my run and then practice yoga. This just depends on if my body is hungry or not. After I have made myself breakfast around 10 30 a.m. I will spend an hour or so in the kitchen, either making lunch, preparing something to go in the dehydrator or making a dessert. The rest of the day is a mixture of teaching yoga classes, taking some classes here or there either in person or by watching a video, working on creating new and challenging yoga classes, or working on my websites. On average I teach four yoga classes per day. Each day varies but normally my first class isn't until 12 p.m. and my last class is usually over by 7 p.m. I find teaching yoga to be very rewarding. Sometimes I do feel challenged by it, trying to create a class that everyone will love, with lots of variation and new things so students don't lose interest. I find it is very important for me to constantly be learning as a teacher so that I have new challenges and new material for my students. When I get home I make myself dinner which usually ends up being a giant salad and sometimes I will snack later on fruit or a fruit smoothie. I currently have sweet potato chips in the dehydrator and am anxious to see how they turn out. They are not supposed to be ready until 7 p.m. tonight! Torture! Thanks for reading!

Watermelon Pops!

Ingredients: 3 cups of seeded or seedless watermelon.

Directions: Blend the seeded watermelon in the vitamixer until the seeds are gone. Pour the watermelon juice into popsicle molds and put in the freezer for 6 hours. Enjoy!


  1. Watermelon is my favorite! I have to make these (if I'm patient enough not to eat it all before freezing it!)

  2. i loved reading about your day!=)

  3. Thanks Lauren! The watermelon juice is great too! Thanks Kelli!
