
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Double Chocolate Pie

Today I really needed chocolate! It was just one of those days! Thankfully I can whip up this healthy option and am not tempted by junk food! I love healthy desserts!

I am quite excited about my upcoming weekend. On Saturday morning I am going blueberry picking. I love blueberries and have gone blueberry picking every summer since I was a little girl. On Saturday night I am having a dinner party and am making black bean burgers (vegan but not raw), home made french fries with organic ketchup and blueberry pie! I tried out this black bean burger last weekend and it turned out great. I used lettuce as my bun. I will try and snap some picture of the eats for this weekend. What are you doing this weekend?

Double Chocolate Pie:

Crust ingredients: 2 cups of dried coconut, 1 cup of almonds, 1 cup of dates, 1/2 cup of water, 1/2 cup of chocolate powder, sea salt to taste.

Crust directions: Grind up the almonds in a food processor until they become a flour like consistency. In a vitamixer mix the dates and water until smooth. Mix the dates, coconut and almonds flour together in a large mixing bowl. Add the chocolate and sea salt and mix well. Press the mixture into a pie pan.

Chocolate filling: 3 avocados, 1 banana, 1 cup of chocolate powder, 1/2 cup of honey, 1/4 cup of water. Blend all of the ingredients in the vitamixer until creamy. Pour the filling into the pie pan and let it set in the fridge for a few hours.


  1. wow! it looks and sounds amazing! I love chocolate and can never get enough, so I definitely have to try this recipe one day;)

  2. Thank you! It tasted great and I had enough to use it for a dinner party garnished with strawberries and to give some to my dad for father's day!

  3. looks so good!! i'll have to try this, thanks for sharing!!

  4. You are welcome Janeen. It was delicious!
