
Sunday, November 23, 2008

10th day eating 100% raw and only 20 more days to go...

I am a third of the way through my 30 day raw food challenge. Here is a list of what I have eaten today:

Fresh glass of orange lime juice
Green smoothie (1/2 papaya, 1/4 cup strawberries 1 1/2 cups of organic spinach)

4 choclate truffles
6 satsuma oranges (yummy)

vegetable juice (pineapple, apple, parsley and romaine lettuce)

Today I have eaten a little bit lighter than usual.
This morning I went to Unity church, bought a bunch of groceries (raw and organic of course), then I took a seven mile hike. I am planning on going to a raw food restaurant on tuesday and will take pictures of my meal. I also plan on making some raw food thanksgiving desserts so stay tuned!

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