
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

30 day raw food challenge for myself...

So, yes I have posed this challenge to myself, in the past and have never made it to the 30 days. Well, today I am on day 6 of eating 100% raw and I think I am going to be able to accomplish my goal of 30 days this time. I am making a documentary of myself eating raw as a way to help to motivate myself to do it. While at the yoga institute in Mexico they served a lot of vegan food so I did not eat completely raw although it was pretty healthy vegan food. But, I could tell I gained a couple of extra pounds and now that I have eaten raw for six days I feel like I am at my perfect weight again, eating raw just seems to put me at my most ideal and comfortable body weight. So what have I been eating you may ask? Well for breakfast I have been having a big green smoothie ( orange, banana, strawberry and spinach) and a typical lunch has been a very large kale salad with cashews sprinkled on top. Then, I just kind of snack on fruit or veggies, nothing very extravagant. So, for Thanksgiving I am going up to Chattanooga to visit some family and I think I am just going to bring my own food, so that is going to be interesting but I am not too worried. I will probably bring some raw desserts to share with everyone and raw desserts are pretty delicious.
So, the picture that I have posted was a little art project I had for myself at Yandara. I found rocks on the beach and wrote positive and inspiring words and phrases on them and brought them home as my souvineer. So, just wanted to share that.

On another note, some of the mischief I have been up to lately: Well, I have been taking two hours of yoga every morning at a wonderful yoga studio near my house, I have joined the choir at the Unity church here in Atlanta and I am excited about that, I will be taking some more improv classes and on Thursday nights I will be taking some circus aerial and trapeeze classes which I am also excited about. I am thinking about joining a dance studio nearby as well because I love to dance but it is so expensive so I am still on the fence about it. As to my future I have talked with the Kahua Institute in Maui and they are excited to have me come do a work exchange so it looks like I will be in Hawaii from January to June in 2009. I am pretty sure this is going to happen so that would be pretty exciting. Meanwhile I am trying to figure out how to make some extra money in Atlanta, I have thought about getting a job at a local juice bar, or working at this outdoorsy type of place that sells equipment for camping kayaking etc or possibly teaching some private yoga sessions (I may try and pass at flyers at a local park to see if there is any interest). Okay, that is all for now, thanks for checking in!

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