
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Banana Chocolate pie

I made this for tomorrow's thanksgivine dinner. Man, I have been in the kitchen allllllll day today!!!
Chocolate Banana Pie Recipe:

2 cups of almonds
1 cup of dates
sprinkle of sea salt

*Put the almonds in the food processor until finey grounded. Add the dates and salt and process until fine.

1 cup of cashews
2 bananas
1/4 cup of raw cocoa nibs
2 table spoons of agave nectar (more or less depending on taste)
1 tablespoon of coconut butter

* Add the agave nectar to the bottom of the vitamixer, next add the bananas, cashews, cocoa nibs and then coconut butter. If it is not mixing well add a bit more water (1/8 - 1/4 of a cup).


  1. thank you for a great recipe.I am going to a raw food potluck tomorrow here in D.C. and I am going to bring your pie:-)Take care,

  2. this looks really good, i'll definitely have to try it sometime!

  3. I hope you do try it! It is one of my favorite desserts so far :)

  4. April - After you spread the chocolate/banana mixture on the crust, do you need to refrigerate it for a certain amount of time? Thanks.

  5. Looks gorgeous! If I have a couple of frozen bananas in the freezer, can I use those?
