
Friday, November 28, 2008

15th day eating raw and Day after Thanksgiving Leftovers...

I am so proud because yesterday was my fourteenth day eating 100% raw and I did it on Thanksgiving! That was my first raw thanksgiving. I made some wonderful food to share with my family including: Green bean casserole, Kale salad with baslamic vineragette dressing, cinnamon applies, and my chocolate banana cream pie. Today I had some delicious leftovers, the kale salad, green bean casserole (soooooooooo gooooooooooood) and then a slice of my chocolate banana cream pie garnished with some rasberries. I had a fun time seeing my family and added some famiy pictures for everyone to enjoy. Hope that everyone had a fabulous thanksgiving. And here is my green bean casserole recipe, try it. Again I loved it and will probaby make it again for Christmas!

Recipe for Green Bean Casserole:

2 cups of green beans
1 cup of grounded almond pulp
2 cups of thinly sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup of onions
1 cup of green onions

Casserole Sauce

1 1/2 cup of cashews
1/4 cup of water
1/4 cup of lemon juice
3 dates
1/8 cup of onions
1/2 teaspoon mustard powder
1 teaspoon of sea salt

* Slice up the green beans in half ( they should be very thin) and place them in a casserole dish. Add the thinly sliced mushrooms and onions. Next add the casserole sauce that has been blended unti a smooth consistancy in the vitamixer. Top the casserole with the grounded almonds and then garnish it with the green onions. Now bring it to your hoiday gathering and watch as people devour it. I just had a little leftover to eat today!

Let me know if you try this recipe!


  1. I made a raw green bean casserole too and loved having a healthy raw thanksgiving. Wasn't it great? For the first year I was so proud not to be hurting another being...even though I've been vegetarian for four years now I've never thought much about what it means.

  2. Hey, yes I love raw green bean casserole! Thanks for you comment!

  3. Oh my gosh, that green bean casserole looks so good! I'm definitely giving it a try soon.

  4. it was so good I hope you do try it.

  5. tried it and loved it. i added some fresh cayenne peppers to is because i love spicy foods!

  6. I am glad you liked it! Cayenne pepper, yum.

  7. Just wanted to let you know that I fed this to my family last night. I have 7 children and all but 1 LOVED it, which is a miracle. Thanks so much. Crystal
