
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Today is my 16th day eating 100% raw, I have never been raw for this many days in a row!

The other day I made these chocolate mint squares and just got around to taking a picture of them today.


chocolate layer:
3 cups of coconut
1/4 cup of agave nectar
1/4 cup of cocoa nibs
dash of sea salt

Mint layer:
4 cups of dried coconut
1/4 cup of agave nectar
1 cup of fresh mint
1 dash of sea salt

First process the chocolate layer in the food processor, press into a pan and then do the same with the mint layer pressing it on top of the chocolate layer. Then cut into pieces and stuff into your mouth and enjoy it.

*As a side note I would like to try making these again but next time I want to have to thick layers of chocoate with a thin mint layer in the middle. These are good but the mint overpowers the chocolate and I would like it to be more chocolatey with a hint of mint! Try these, they are easy to make and let me know if you try em.


  1. My youngest son and I thought this looked like a great idea. I used mint from my garden. I made the two layers of chocolate with the mint in the middle. We are going to chill it overnight for tomorrow.

    Thanks for all your great ideas. I just found your blog and I am enjoying reading all your posts.

    I lived in Atlanta for a while. :)

  2. Awesome! I hope it turned out well!

  3. Permission to Mother shared some of her mint chocolate squares with me and they were delish! So, I would like to make these, but I don't know the difference between the coconut in the mint layer and the coconut in the chocolate layer. Is the coconut in chunks (before you put it into the processor) for the chocolate layer? And is the dried coconut in the mint layer just shredded and unsweetened?

