
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Today is my 19th day eating 100% raw!

Yay! I am getting closer to my 30 day challenge. This is the closest I have ever been. So, my days have consisted of going to yoga in the morning, working on my juice and smoothie e book during the day and going to dance classes in the evenings. I drank a lot of juices today because I was taking more pictures for my e book. I haven't made any gourmet raw recipes since Thanksgiving but I want to make something soon. I really am craving a raw lasanga. I need to make a raw dessert for a holiday party I am going to on Saturday. Stay tuned to find out what exciting raw recipes tumble onto my plate.


  1. Great picture, you definitely have the raw glow!

    Do you have Jennifer Cornbleet's book? I recently made her spaghetti and meatballs (not lasagna, but hey, it's similar) and it blew my cooked veg family away. It was incredible...the sauce was definitely the best marinara, cooked or raw, I've ever eaten. Highly recommended!

  2. Raene,

    Thanks! Yep, I do have her book. I haven't tried that recipe but I love the picture of it in the book! I will have to try it. Also, were the meatballs good? They looked yummy.

  3. Yes, but they were SUPER duper salty. My daughter loves salt and she enjoyed them, but my husband said that next time we shouldn't add salt (it calls for tamari AND salt). I don't think nama shoyu type things feel great in my body, so I may end up leaving that out next time and just doing salt...but definitely don't do both!
    They did have a very meatball-like texture, which I didn't expect without dehydration. The taste was excellent!

  4. Hey April when do you think you will have your smoothie and juice book available? I'm really looking forward to it. :-)

  5. I am thinking by the end of the week! Thanks!
