
Monday, December 22, 2008

Live What you Love...

So, I picked up this book from the library the other day and it was titled "Live What you Love" which really stood out to me so I picked it up. I wanted to share the forward of the book with you, it was actually my favorite part of the book, did not like the rest of it as much but liked this part. So here you go:

We're all very, very busy. We have e-mails to answer, planes to catch, and we're constantly reshuffing schedules to squeeze in new meetings, each more important, more urgent than the last. But every now and then, we get a signal: life should be more satisfying.

Have you ever found yourself counting up the days to the weekend - and it was only Mondady?

You start searching for daily pleasures to reward yourself for just getting through another day: ice cream, shopping, or going out for dinner. Some people even believe that a two-week vacation once a year is enough to keep them feeling happy and fulfilled.

Is it right that we spend so much time planning our next escape?

When we were small, we blew out the candles on our birthday cake believing that all of our hopes and dreams would become real. And when Jiminy Cricket urged us to wish upon a star, we all tried it, at least once. So when exactly did you stop wishing? when did you start doing the things you had to do instead of the things you wanted to do?

When did your dreams get buried under the responsibilities of adulthood?

Now you sense that something needs to change but you're too busy to stop and think about what it is. You long for those forgotten times when each day's accomplishment filled you with joy and excitement, when you embraced life with energy and enthusiasm.

When there were a million special days.

The first day of school, the night before your fifth birthday, summer vacation, your first kiss...all of these were momentous achievements that made you feel almost giddy inside.

But now you sometimes feel as if you're stuck in a great big rut and as the years go by, the rut keeps getting deeper and deeper. You sense loss, understanding that you were meant to do more.

Your dreams feel so far away and always seem to be just out of reach.

But they're silly dreams you tell yourself. Get real. After all, you have a job you're earning a living. You have responsibilities. You can't go off chasing crazy dreams.

Besides, it's scary to think about going out on a limb.

But the dreams just won't go away and they keep popping up. If only dreams came with a guarantee. Then you'd be as secure as you are now. Your job is secure right?

Wouldn't it be awful to live your whole life and then say 'Wait! I need another chance. I just wanted to try this one thing.'

Remember how scared you were to take the training wheels off your bike? Or how much courage it took for that first kiss? Nothing stopped you then. So waht's stopping you now? this just stood out to me. Things in my life are a bit crazy right now, well, maybe not crazy but out of the ordinary. I don't have a job (not because I was laid off but because I quit, that is the crazy part and I don't regret it which is even crazier right, well at least in this societies eyes). I quit my job and went to get trained as a yoga instructor and now my future is completely up in the air, I don't know where I am going to be living in a month or even what I will be doing. I am living off of my savings right now, which won't last forever. So, why did the leave the security blanket I was enfolded in? Because I lost myself and now I am trying to find the spark inside of myself that disappeared a long time ago. I am only 27 but can relate with the stereotypical middle aged women who looks in the mirror and doesn't know the person looking back at themselves. Somewhere along the way they lost who they were. I got caught up with what I was supposed to do and forgot what it was like to feel passionate about something. Now, I am going out on a limb and taking some risks (well, I am still pretty responsible so they are not that risky honestly). I want to feel alive, I want to feel excited more than I want to feel secure. So, my options I am considering for my future, well, either I would like to go back to hawaii, go to school and study theatre, dance and voice and then do a work exchange at kripalu ( a yoga center in Mass). I am trying to follow my intuition on what my next move is. I am trying to follow my happinness and live what I love. I know this is what my mom would want for me more than anything else. She would want me to be happy more than anything else. I kind of feel like I am finding myself or maybe rediscovering myself all over again. I have also heard that you create the life you want for yourself. So, I am trying to get back in touch with me, the parts of me that love life and slowly I am doing that. Step by step. It is a hard process though, feels like a bad case of growing pains but I hope I gain something invaluable from all of this that I will carry with me the rest of my life. Myself. Okay, well, I think I should stop before I write a novel and who knows if what I am saying makes any sense I need to go to bed!

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