
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve:)

I am busy in the kitchen today. I am making a raw green bean casserole again (I made one for Thanksgiving and it was a hit with myself and everyone else). I am also going to make my apple crisp simply becasue it is sooooo simple and super delicious. My brother is going to video tape me making both of these recipes and I will post them on u tube probably by the weekend. So look for those! So, I went to a public library near my home and asked if I could teach a free yoga class in the new year, this way I get experience and stuff to put on my resume plus I'll knock my good deed out that I do once a year(j/k). I try and do at least two good deeds a year:). They are goign to let me do a four week series and then from there we'll see if people want more. I also may be teaching at untiy church here in Atlanta one morning a week. This will all give me good practice teaching group settings with different types of students.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I am also going to try and make some christmas cookies and decorate them with icing. This is if I have time.
By the way, something pretty cool just happened, one of my friends from face book just sent me a message that I inspired her to try and be vegan for 30 days. That is cool I think. Well, I hope you all have a wonderful christmas appreciating your loved ones!


  1. Hope you had a beautiful your blog!

  2. Thanks to both of you! I LOVE both of your blogs as well!!
