
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Kiwi Tart and hanging with friends...

Last night I had a good time getting together with some old elementary neighborhood friends. I really enjoyed talking about old times and catching up with each other. It is nice to be connected with people from your past! I made this kiwi tart for my friend Tom here in Atlanta for his birthday today. It was good :). I shared it with lots of friends and everyone enjoyed it including me:). I really love sharing heatlhy and delicious food with friends and family. On a deeper note I am still looking for the next direction I am supposed to take in my life and questioning why relationships can be so difficult sometimes. Here is my recipe for this kiwi tart.

Kiwi Tart:

2 cups of almonds
1 cup of dates
1 pinch of sea salt

* Process the almonds in the food processor until finely grounded. Next add the dates and sea salt and grind them together. Press your final product into a pie pan.

2 cups of fresh and raw coconut meat (may take 2-3 coconuts)
1 cup of raw cashews
1/2 cup of agave nectar (add more according to your taste preference)
1/2 of a vanilla bean
1 lemon

* In the vitamixer or high powered blender put the coconut meat in first and then put all other ingredients in and blend until it is all a smooth consistency. Pour the filling into the pie crust and let it sit in the fridge over night.

3 kiwis

*Cut up kiwis and arrange them on the tart according to your own preference. EAt and enjoy it:)


  1. Looks like you had a great time with your friends. How lucky are they that they got to enjoy that amazing tart! I am drooling!

  2. It was really good:). Let me know if you get a chance to try it.

  3. Ooh, I love snakes! That's a really pretty one, too.

  4. I don't really like snakes too much but took the picture just to do it.
