
Friday, January 2, 2009

Pizza Night!

Last night I made a raw pizza for my family. My dad has been begging me to make one for years actually. Normally I can not eat raw pizza without getting sick, in fact I have only had raw pizza like five times in my life and each time I have gotten very sick to my stomach. I figured out it is the buckwheat crust that I can not eat. So, I made this crust out of flax seeds. It was kind of like a thin crust pizza in a way and everyone enjoyed it. Let me know if you try it and like it:)

Pizza Recipe:

2 cups of Flax seeds
1 tablespoon of agave nectar
1/2 cup of water

* To make the crust put your flax seeds in a bowl to soak with the water. Let it soak for about fifteen minutes. It forms a type of paste and then you spread that out over the dehydrator sheets. Put them in at 115 degrees and after about 2-3 hours score them into the shapes that you want (in this instance pizza slice shapes) and place them back in the dehydrator at the same temperature for another 3 hours or until they are crisp.

Marinara Sauce:

5 roma tomatoes
1 1/2 cup of soaked sundried tomatoes
2 medjol organic dates
1/4 cup of onions
1 clove of garlic

* Chop all ingredients up finely and then put it all into the food processor until you get a smooth marinara. You can add some italian spices like basil or oregeno I just didn't have any at the time.


Bell Peppers cut up finely
Thinly sliced avocado pieces
Thinly sliced mushrooms

*Finally, when everything is done you can put your marinara sauce on the pizza as well as your toppings. Feel free to use other toppings you may like. Good luck and enjoy!


  1. Thanks, April! Will you ever do a cookbook with your recipes?

  2. Well,

    Right now I just have my juice and smoothie ebook for sale on my site that someone could by from clicking on the image on my page here. But yes one day maybe I will :) Thanks for asking!

  3. I still haven't had raw pizza!! Yours looks really good!

    I get sick whenever I have raw garlic. I just can't stomach the stuff! And I'm Italian!

  4. This is the only raw pizza I have ever liked and not gotten sick from. You should try it. You don't have to put garlic into it. Just put other herbs like oregeno and basil, etc.

  5. Thanks, April! I don't have a juicer, so that's why I hadn't gotten the juice/smoothie book yet -- but I would definitely be thrilled if you released some recipes :)

  6. Gena,

    Thanks I will think about putting one together but it probably would not be for quite a while:). I really appreciate you wanting me to make one though:) Thanks!

  7. Sure! In the meantime, I love simply listening to your raw journey.

  8. Thanks :). By the way how can I check out your blog? I tried to the other day.

  9. I don't have one! I'm thinking of starting one, but I don't have one yet (just a blogger account, to leave comments).
