
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years!

I hope you all had a wonderful new years! I went out dancing with some friends last night for New Years. It was a good time. Here are some of my new years resolutions.

1. Become more aware of my thoughts and filtering out negative thoughts that no longer serve my higher good.

2. Create a life that I love waking up to every day.

3. Continue to grow and learn more about myself pursing things that excite me and interest me (theatre, dance, yoga, voice lessons).

4. Create the life of my dreams.

5. Learn to grow my own food so I can be self sustainable and know where my food is coming from.

6. Try out new and exciting raw food recipes that excite my taste buds.

7. Find a way to support myself doing what I am passionate about.

8. Find a way to market my ebook so that more people are aware of it and buy it.

9. Run 3 - 5 miles every day during the week.

10. Further deepen my relationships so that they are very rich.

11. Continue to create raw food prep videos.

Okay, I am sure I will think of more later but for now these are some of my resolutions! What are some of yours?


  1. thank you for stopping by my blog...I love your blog and will definetly save to my faves!!...Happy new year!

  2. I really love some of the desserts you have made! They look beautiful!

  3. Happy New Year! You have some great resolutions. Mine is similar to all of yours put together.. I am trying to be a better all around "ME", good luck with your goals!

  4. Thanks Lauren :) Happy new years! I know this will be the best year ever for you!
