
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Spaghetti is what's for dinner...

I made spaghetti for dinner tonight. It is very tasty I must say. Today was super busy, I went on two interviews for yoga jobs. I got one job as a substitute yoga instructor, so hopefully they will call me some. I am not sure about the other one. Going to these interviews involved a lot of driving as well as getting lost and I am tired after all of that. I do have plans to go swing dancing tonight so that should be fun and some good exercise which I haven't had any of all day today. By the way, this is my 4th day 100% raw on my 60 day raw food challenge. Here is my recipe for the spaghetti.

Zucchini Noodles:
2 zucchinis

6 Roma tomatoes
1 clove of garlic
1 tablespoon of oregano
1/4 cup of onions
1 cup of sundried tomatoes
2 medjol dates

** To make the noodles you can use a vegetable peeler or a spirolli or spiralizer with the zucchini. For the sauce I used a food processor and added all of the ingredients for the sauce until it was mixed together well and tasted delicious. Garnish however you like on a plate and serve to friends or family. Enjoy!


  1. What's with the THUG photo? Have you turned gangster?

  2. Yes I have! Do you have a problem with it? j/k...Hey, by the way, are we meeting somewhere tomorrow night? Like at shout or at your place or something?

  3. Mmmm raw spaghetti. I never get tired of it.

    So, you swing dance? I went once or twice about 10 years ago (when the Gap commercial made it popular again). I'd love to find a place that still has swing dance nights now.

  4. I know it is soooo good. Yes, I hadn't been in a long time but went last night and really had lots of fun:). I found the place I went to last night by going on to meetup. maybe there is one in your area you can go to.
