
Friday, February 27, 2009

Raw Chocolate Pie

I was inspired by the chocolate pie that Edie made at the potluck last weekend and I decided to make a chocolate pie with an avocado filling as well. Fridays are slower paced days for me so I actually have time to get my hands dirty in the kitchen. I made this chocolate pie as well as some granola. I had some extra chocolate left over so I made some chocolate granola too. I can't wait until that is done. School has been going pretty well for me, lately I am enjoying my theatre classes a lot. My favorite theatre class is children's theatre. We actually collaboratively wrote a children's play and will perform it. This weekend I am going to have to spend some time memorizing my lines for this children's play, it is called Dragon Jamz.
Have been feeling down lately. Mostly get lonely, sometimes feeling that it is hard for me to make deep friendships. I am so busy doing so many things and sometimes I just feel that I fill the time up with stuff so I don't have to think about feeling empty inside. I do think I am on a pathway leading towards the life I want for myself but maybe it is just a bumpy road, I don't know.
Anyways, I have recently gotten two jobs, I will be doing some temporary work at Emory University doing data entry (not my ideal job but hey, a girl's gotta eat, right? and make raw chocolate desserts). I will be doing the data entry 20 hours per week. I also recently was hired for my first paid yoga job. I will be teaching at Georgia Perimeter College starting in two weeks. For now I will only teach once a week but if the demand grows they may let me teach more often than that. Wish me luck! Ideally I would like to teach yoga on a full time basis. On another note, next Wednesday I am leaving for Alabama until Sunday for the South Eastern Theatre Conference. I am going with my school and it will basically be nonstop theatre workshops and performances. I think it sounds like a lot of fun. I will probably take lots of pictures.
Finally, I am waiting to hear from Kripalu if I am accepted for the summer work exchange program. They should let me know by mid march. If I am accepted for that I will leave for Kripalu in May and will be there until August. It is basically a yoga / total well being retreat center. If I am not accepted there I am pretty sure that I will go to Hawaii for the summer to Belly Acres. I feel I have more to learn there about how to live a happy and healthy life. Okay, don't worry I haven't forgotten about giving you the recipe for this pie of chocolate goodness!

Chocolate Pie Recipe:

Pie Crust:
3 cups raw almonds
15 organic medjol dates

1 cup of coconut meat (took me 3 coconuts to get this much meat)
2 1/2 avocados
2 1/2 cups of agave nectar
2 cups of raw chocolate nibs
3 medjol dates

Directions: First process the almonds in the food processor until they are almost like powder. Next add the dates and process until you get a nice sticky texture. Press the crust into a pie pan.
For the filling, add all of the ingredients to your vita mixer and mix well until you get a very smooth and creamy consistency. Pour the chocolate filling into the pie crust and let it sit in the freezer for a couple of hours before serving. Enjoy this and let me know if you try it :).


  1. Chocolate and Roses! Will you marry me? :D

    In my past life (in this lifetime), I used to run a children's theatre. In another past life (in this lifetime), I went to work at a place called Omega (Kripalu's 'neighbor') "just for the summer" and ended up staying 7 years. I have a feeling you're in for a grand adventure, April!

  2. Wow this looks yummy and it doesn't sound too hard to make. I might try to make one.

  3. Earthmother,

    Really? Working for a chidren's theatre sounds pretty fun. I have heard of Omega before too. Thanks for these encouraging words. A grand adventure? I wouldn't mind one of those. Ever heard the quote, "Life is either an adventure or nothing at all?" Well, it is something like that. Thanks though.

    Dave, thanks for your comment. It is not so hard to make. HOpe your well :).

  4. Hi, I just found your blog! I'm just one month in on the (mostly) raw lifestyle! Your dessert recipes sound fabulous! Is Loving it Live the only raw restaurant in the Atlanta area?

  5. Jenna,

    So glad you found my blog! Yep, Loving it Live is the only raw restaurant I know of. Good luck with the raw food lifestyle!

  6. Looks wonderful!
    I LOVE cacao anything!

    Great pictures.


  7. Mmmmmmm... looks amazing. I just made Ani's raw apple pie. Scrumptious.

    Hey girl, I met Sunshine yesterday at Nature's Corner Market in Marietta. She was hosting an "Intro to Raw Foods" class. Man, she sure can make some yummy stuff!! =D Looking forward to meeting you.

  8. Hey! Yes, Sunshine's food is amazing! She is an awesome raw foodie. Yes, I am excited to meet you and I hope you are well!

  9. This looks gorgeous...I love the presentation of the choc pie. Delicious :)


    PS I have been reading your blog for about 2 years now

  10. Lou,

    Thanks, I am so glad that you like it :). Thanks for reading my blog as well and letting me know about it!


  11. Looks SO yummy! Did you use YOUNG coconut meat, or mature coconut meat in the recipe? Also, would you recommend cacao nibs over raw cacao powder--is there much of a difference?

  12. Looks like we have more in common than I thought! Edie is one of my best friends, and she had invited me to one of Sunshine's potlucks, but I never could go!! Crazy world.
