
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Another Raw Food Potluck Extravaganza!


Today I went to a raw food potluck at Sunshine's place. I carpooled there with Edie from give it to me raw, an awesome raw foodie chick:). I brought the pineapple flowers with grape stems. Aren't they pretty? I made the pineapple shapes out of cookie cutters that I have. Edie made a delicious chocolate pie and some raw hummus! Sunshine made flax crackers and salmon pate. Met an awesome raw food family who brought pineapple and papaya. We had a lively discussion and watched the video "Food Matters". Overall it was fun and Edie accused me of being addicted to food porn which I can't deny. I am addicted. Have a great night:).


  1. LOVE your pineapple flowers! Clever, clever girl. I am so stealing your idea. :D

  2. Thanks! I have had the idea in my head for such a long time now but just got around to trying it out! I was pleased!

  3. Yes, very cute pineapple flowers!

  4. I hate that I missed this. Everything looks amazing. Please let me know when the next one is. One of these days I'll be able to make it to one (hopefully more)!! :)

  5. We definitely missed you! I hope you can come to one soon!

  6. Hey hey April!!

    OHHHHHHHHH I've missed your posts...!!!

    OMG!!!!! WHAT AMAZZZZZING EATS you managed to have on this POTLUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! They look soooo PERFECT!!!

    How are those CHIPS made?? What kind are these from PICTURE NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!!???????? Pls tell me!! =DD I'm sooo curious!! And the DIP??

    Ohh...I'm really amazzzzed by your creations!!

    Hope to hear from you soon!! =DD

    HUGS from Poland!! =))

  7. Hello Agness,

    Well, I wish I could tell you how all of these dishes were made but for this one I only made the pineapple flowers. I am not sure about the recipes for the other dishes. Thanks for reading!

  8. Hello,
    Lou here :) I am also curious about the chips since they look awesome for raw...How did they taste?? I'm looking for a great raw chip recipe and even if you don't know the recipe even just an idea of their taste would be interesting...

  9. Lou,
    Yes, the chips looks great don't they? They almost look like pringles I think. Honestly, I did not really like they way they tasted though. I liked the flax crackers next to them a lot better.

  10. Thanks for your response :) I have made flax crackers and I've also tried long term raw foodies flax crackers but I'm yet to come across a recipe i like. I find them too strong in flavour because of other ingredients mixed with them. I will experiment some day but I'm thinking more simple flavours. I am curious as to a combination of almond meal with the flax??
    Lou :) :)

  11. Lou,

    I actually think almond meal and flax would go very well together. Have you ever tried using golden flax seeds? I never use the dark kind because I don't like the taste as much as the golden flax seeds.

  12. I have only tried the darker variety myself but will give the golden flax and almond meal a go later this week and let you know :)
