
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pictures From The Atlanta Raw Food Potluck last night...

Last night I attended an Atlanta raw food potluck at the restaurant Loving it Live. I met a lot of great people there! Jim, Kim, Ken and Sonia were the other raw foodies there! I ordered a kale salad and tacos which were delicious! Jim ordered a kale salad, nori wrap, plantian chips (which he shared with us, they were quite good!) For dessert, Jim ordered a sweet potato pie and again he shared a bit with us and it was quite good! Kim ordered chicken strips, which were portabello mushrooms battered and dehydrated. Ken ordered the dirty rice, which was bulgar wheat soaked and then mixed with avocado, onions and different spices. I thought the presentation for this dish was beautiful! I got to try a bite and it was tasty. I have never thought of sprouting bulgar before but now I may try it. Sonia ordered a stuffed avocado (was filled with nutmeat and salsa). Then, she and Ken both ordered vanilla ice cream for dessert and I got to try a bite, it was soooooooo good!


  1. Those tacos looks delicious!!!! I love raw Mexican food!!! YUM!

  2. The pictures are great! I hope to attend a pot luck in this area soon=-}
    I just got an ice cream maker and will be making raw ice cream soon. I am just waiting for the warmer weather. If I get cold I can't shake it as eay since eating all raw. But I heard this will go away in the 2nd year! I am eagerly awaiting that!=-)burrrr...

    Love always

  3. Yep, the tacos were yummy. Raw ice cream! So good!

  4. OMG! I'm drooling! LOL. Those photos look so appetizing. YUMMM!!!

    Is there a source where I can find out when the next raw food potluck is being held? I used to be very active in the Nashville Raw Food group, but have been unsuccessful in finding a group here in the Atlanta area.

  5. Yes, join the Atlanta group on give it to me raw and also join for raw food meetups in Atlanta. There is going to be a meetup tomorrow, let me know if you want more details.

  6. Thanks April. I will sign up for both of those groups. I won't be able to make tomorrow's meeting ... my whole day is booked. Thanks. Looking foward to meeting you.

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