
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dinner Ideas...

On Sunday it was a cold wintery and snowy day. This is Georgia! We rarely get snow here! It was coming down all day and I decided I wanted some soup! Now, if you haven't noticed yet I have a slight tendency to make more raw desserts than actual meals, desserts are just so easy to make raw and entrees don't come as naturally to me, although sometimes I surprise myself! So, I tend to mostly just make raw desserts and eat lots of green smoothies and salads. Well, I pulled out my favorite raw food book, Raw Food Real World and decided to make the raw carrot soup. Then, I also decided to make a raw fettucini with mushrooms. I put the mushrooms in the dehydrator all day with some rosemary and they were soooo delicious and flavorful by the time I pulled them out! So, these pictures are what I ate for dinner on Sunday night.
In other news, I have some spice cookies in the dehydrator right now and I can't wait till they are ready! Only 24 more hours to go! I am making those because I am going to be out of town This Wednesday through Sunday on the Southeastern Theatre Conference in Alabama. So, I have made myself some dehydrated snacks to take with me so I can stay as high raw as possible. I have 40 cookies in the dehydrator so that should be enough to last me a while I hope. I will try and post those pictures and the recipe tomorrow before I leave for Alabama!
One other exciting bit of news is that this website has an article about the top 50 raw food blogs and my blog is listed on it! That made me happy :)! Okay now for the recipes:

Carrot Soup Recipe:

3 cups of carrot juice
1 1/2 ripe avocados
1/4 cup of lime juice
1 tablespoon of minced ginger
1/4 teaspoon of sea salt
Cilantro sprigs to garnish

Directions: Juice enough carrots to get 3 cups of carrot juice. Sorry I don't know how much this is I just bought some raw carrot juice at my local farmers market. Add the juice to the vitamixer along with all other ingredients and get it thoroughly combined and silky smooth. Pour it into a bowl and garnish it with some cilantro on top.

Fettucini Alfredo

1 zucchini
1 1/4 cup of cashews
1/2 cup of water
1 lemon squeezed into the mixture
1 package of mushrooms
A few sprigs of rosemary
1/4 cup of olive oil

Directions: First slice the mushrooms up finely and place them onto the dehydrator tray with rosemary sprinkled on top and olive oil drizzled over them. Leave them in the dehydrator at 110 degrees for six hours. Use a vegetable peeler to peel the zucchini into thin strips. Pour the water into the vitamixer first followed by the cashews and lemon juice. Mix this in the vitamixer until it is very smooth. Finally, pour the sauce on top of your zucchini and then sprinkle the mushrooms on top and eat it!


  1. dehydrated mushrooms are delicious! i've made a version with nama shoyu, olive oil, and rosemary (marinade overnight then dehydrate). they're great on raw sandwiches, pastas, and pizzas.

  2. Yes, I completely agree! Marinated mushrooms and so good! Nama shoyu is a good idea for a marinade too! Thanks!

  3. Beautiful! Matthew and Sarma would be proud. I think my fave mushroom is the portobello. Mmmm.

    Have FUN at your theatre conference!

  4. I haven't used portobello in a raw dish yet, I think that needs to be remedied! Thanks, I am sure it will be fun :)

  5. Looks scrumptious! Congrats on making it #33 on the Top 50 Raw Food & Lifestyle Blogs! That's fantastic! You RAWK girl!! Be careful on your trip to Alabama.

  6. Thank you :). I will be careful, I will be driving there with fellow students. Let you all know about it when I get back.

  7. The carrot soup sounds and looks great! Yum!


  8. Hi April, only just found this blog after seeing some before and after pictures on we like it raw. You look so much better now, and considering your age you must get mistaken for being years younger? In the after pictures you look about 16-17.

    I hope you continue this lifestyle indefinitely. And stay youthful forever :D

  9. Thanks for the comments Sweetie and Matthew!
