
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spice Cookies

I just got back from my trip to SETC (The South Eastern Theatre Conference). I actually didn't take any pictures from it but I did have a good time. Just tired today. My favorite workshops I attended were: musical theatre dance class, improv workshop, creating character through movement, massage therapy techniques, and an acting combat class. Well, for this trip I brought a lot of my own food for me so that I stayed as full and satisfied as possible. I brought these spice cookies with me (raw) that I made and they were fairly good. Next time I make them I won't add as much ginger as the recipe calls for but they were nice for a healthy snack. However, I have a recipe for chocolate chip cookies and after experimenting with these cookies I feel pretty confident to try out the chocolate chip cookies, so will probably do that within the next couple of weeks. I also brought celery sticks, carrot sticks, avocados, apples and grapefruits. So, for most meals I was able to eat these raw foods but I did end up eating a few cooked vegan meals. However, having this food with me kept me on track. Usually when I go out of town and am out of my comfort zone I find it much more difficult to eat healthy but again having food with me helped a great deal. So, here is my recipe, I got the basics of it from Sweet Gratitude (put out by cafe gratitude in California). I did stray from the recipe a bit though so here is my version:

Spice Cookies Recipe:
4 cups of raw almonds
1/2 cup of flax seeds
2 cups of dried coconut flakes
15 medjol dates
1 cup of honey
1/4 cup of fresh ginger juice
2 teaspoons of sea salt
2 tablespoons of cinnamon
1 cup of golden raisins

Put the raw almonds in the food processor and leave in until they are grounded finely (into a fine flour). Put the almond flour into a separate bowl. Place the flax seeds and dried coconut into the food processor and mix until grounded finely. Then, add this mixture to the almond four. Mix in the cinnamon and sea salt into the almond, flax seed, coconut mixture. Next, make a paste out of the dates by putting them in the food processor with a little water. Mix until you get a paste. Add this paste to the mixture and mix with the flour until it is evenly mixed. Finally, add the honey, ginger juice and raisins and mix until thoroughly combined. Next, make cookie like shapes and place them on the dehydrator trays. Put the cookies in the dehydrator at 112 degrees for 24 hours. Longer if you want them a bit more crisp.

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