
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I heart chocolate! Experimenting with chocolate candy hearts...

Tomorrow is my dad's birthday so I decided to make him some raw chocolate candy. Now, mind you this is the first time I have ever tried to make raw chocolate candy and they did not come out all smooth and perfect like I would have liked. However, part of trying out recipes is that things don't always come out perfectly the first time. You have to continue experimenting until you get the result you want. I made these chocolate shapes in cute little heart shaped ice cube makers. I put plastic wrap on the ice cube holder so the chocolate wouldn't stick but it ended up making all kinds of crinkles in my chocolate. Next time I need to use something else.
On another note, I was contacted by Kripalu on Monday and was told that I was accepted for the summer work exchange program, which means I will arrive there May 4th and stay until September 8th. Wow. Now, a funny coincidence is that I was at a local co-op in my area tonight buying the ingredients for my chocolate and I ran into a raw foodie friend I hadn't seen in a couple of years. It was great to talk to her and she told me that she has a friend who is at Kripalu right now doing the work exchange and that her friend loves being there! She also said that her friend told her that one of the chefs is a raw foodie and always makes sure there are lots of fresh veggies, fruits, nuts, (most importantly avocados!) and that he makes raw desserts (yum!). Anyways, I kind of took my running into her as a sign that going to Kripalu is the right path for me. So, my recipe for the chocolates:

I heart you candy:

4 table spoons of coconut oil
1/2 cup of agave nectar
1/2 cup of raw chocolate nibs
1 tablespoon of cinnamon

Directions: Blend all ingredients in a vitamixer until silky smooth. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays of your choice or chocolate molds. Let them set in the freezer overnight and then share with a loved one.


  1. Yum those looks so good!! Happy Birthday to your Dad!

  2. Thanks Lauren! I tried one this morning and even though they have been in the freezer all night they are chewy and taste caramely. I think the caramel taste is from the agave nectar.

  3. You could go 2 ways with the chocolate molds. I found $2 plastic molds of various shapes at my local kitchen store. Alternately, you can go with a high end silicone chocolate mold - that's what i want to invest in eventually.

  4. Winona,

    thanks for the suggestions. So, does the chocolate just pop out without having the wrap the molds in anything like plastic?

  5. Congratulations!! I had a feeling you'd be Kripalu bound this summer. Such a wonderful place. You're gonna fall in love with the beautiful Berkshires and the vibrant Sangha (spiritual community) of Kripalu. The raw vegan foodie/chef you want to hook up with there is Michael Menard. He's a real sweetheart. You can find him at

  6. Earthmother,
    I seem to be getting signs all over the place that I am supposed to be at Kripalu this summer! I am so glad there will be a raw vegan chef there. How awesome! Thanks for the great info!

  7. I made these last night and we ate a few tonight. They aredelicious. Even my raw-phobic boyfriend loves them. :) Thank you for sharing this recipe!

  8. Kari!
    Awesome, so glad that you liked them and thanks for letting me know!

  9. HI
    I am happy to hear that you will be at Kripalu! If I go I will see if I can find you =-) Have Fun and enjoy the peaceful Mountainside!

  10. Sweetie!
    Yes, I'd love to see you there! Thanks!

  11. I love delicious these look and they don't seem too hard to make!!
    thanks :)

  12. Awesome! They are not too hard to make and thanks for the comment :-).

  13. may i ask where you get your chocolate molds? my local cooking store only had tiny bunny ones.

  14. Aimee,

    Yes, I actually went to this place called Ross, which is a discount everything store. They actually aren't candy molds, they are ice cube shaped hearts but I improvised! Thanks!
