
Monday, March 23, 2009

Cheezecake chocolate swirl

I made this dessert for my brother's girlfriend Emily. Happy Birthday girl! I can't wait to try it and see how it is. I am spending my time taking my acting classes, working doing data entry, teaching yoga, taking improv classes and hanging out with friends. I am looking forward to going to Kripalu although I will miss my friends in Atlanta.

Some other random thoughts going through my head are:
1. The economy is scary right now, my friends are losing jobs right and left. I have a desire to have a job that I love and am passionate about (like teaching yoga, etc) however when the society is in our current state is that fair to want that or should I just be happy to get what I can get?
2. Where is the fine line between focusing on the positive to create your reality and accepting reality and being realistic?
3. I got my organic clothes in the mail and I love them! They all fit perfectly and are so comfy! I shopped at and under the canopy.
4. The way the world is going now I really want to know how to grow my own food. It is scary how big companies like Monsanto (watch the documentary the future of food) are genetically modifying our food.

Well, here is my recipe:

Cheezecake chocolate swirl:
2 cups of almonds
2 cups of medjol organic dates
1 teaspoon of salt

Cheezecake Filling:
2 cups of raw cashews
1 cup of coconut meat
4 tablespoons of coconut butter
1 vanilla bean
2 lemons squeezed into filling
1 cup of agave nectar (add more or less depending on your own desired sweetness)

Chocolate Filling:
1 cup of cashews
1/4 cup of raw cocoa nibs
1/4 cup of agave nectar (add more or less depending on your own desired sweetness)
2 tablespoons of coconut butter

Directions: First make the crust by putting the almonds into the food processor and mixing until finely grounded (like a flour). Next add the dates (after chopping them up and removing the seeds) and sea salt. Press the pie crust into the bottom of the pie pan. For the filling put all of the cheezecake filling into the vitmaixer with the liquid ingredients near the bottom. Mix until smooth and silky. Pour the cheeze cake filling onto the crust. Next, make the chocolate mixture in the vitamixer and when done pour it on top of the cheezecake filling. Pour it into the center of the pie. Use a knife and make circular shapes to get the pretty marbled look.


  1. Hi April,

    Thank you for the recipe. Looks yummy!

    Your point about the economy resonated with me. I'm like you -- hoping to work in a field I'm passionate about while the economy gives me pause. I decided to go for it! :)

    Many blessings to you as you decide what you are going to do.

  2. Kari,

    Good for you for deciding to follow your passion! I know you will do well!

  3. Hi, was looking to find a chocolate mint cheezecake for the holidays and this looks great--I'll let you know how it turns out when I add the mint. Thanks for posting it. I must say though when I first saw your picture on top, it kinda grossed me out a little b/c it looked like an oozing blister to me. So I'm glad I looked beyond it b/c it looks as though you have lots of fun stuff I can try. Thanks again!
