
Friday, March 27, 2009

I am obsessed with chocolate pie!

I made this yummy pie on Wednesday night and it is very good! The last couple of days here in Atlanta have been so rainy outside. I miss the sunshine. I like to exercise outside and when it rains like this I tend not to exercise so much. I am going to try and make a commitment to eating raw until I leave for Kripalu. So, starting over again here is day one. I had a wonderful fruit smoothie for breakfast (fresh oj, strawberries and bananas), for lunch I had a giant kale salad with an avocado, some balsamic vinegar, and sesame seeds sprinkled on top. For dessert I had a slice of this delicious pie. You can not see from the picture but the bottom layer of the pie has sliced bananas. Sadly I made this pie in such a hurry that I really don't have many exact measurements to offer for this recipe. I can only let you know the ingredients and guesstimate how much I used of each ingredient.

Chocolate Pie:
2 cups of almonds (I know that for sure)
1/4 cup of honey (this is an estimate)
1 tsp of sea salt
1 tablespoon of cinnamon

1 cup of coconut oil (rough estimate)
1/4 cup of honey
1 avocado
1 vanilla bean
1/8 cup of water
1/8 cup of agave nectar
1/2 cup of raw cocoa beans

Bottom Layer:
One sliced banana

Make the crust in the food processor. First ground the almonds until the form a type of flour. Next add the sea salt and honey. Add more or less honey depending on your preference. You need enough honey so that the crust sticks together. Press the crust into a pie pan. Take the sliced bananas and lay them on top of the crust. For the filling add all of the ingredients and mix until thoroughly combined and smooth. Pour the filling on top of the sliced bananas. Allow the pie to sit in the fridge for a few hours unti it sets. Eat and enjoy!


  1. This looks interesting, but where is the chocolate? and also - where do you buy raw chocolate?

  2. I made this tonight (I assumed you added raw cacao powder to the filling) and it is amazing. I made a different crust (no almonds right now) and forgot the banana, but still super delicious. Really, really excited about this recipe as there are so many applications you can use... Thanks for sharing!!! I can't wait to try more variations.

  3. Hey, if you're going to have an obsession, chocolate would be my pick too. :D

    Soooooo, do you know what department you'll be working in at Kripalu yet?

  4. Yes! I just edited the recipe to include chocolate! I can't believe I forgot the most important ingredient! Well, thanks for pointing it out! And Amanda I am glad you tried the recipe and enjoyed it! Yay! Earthmother, I agree raw chocolate is a healthy obesession and I am so glad for it! I don't know what department I will be working in yet. They said I will find out when I get there but I think I'll like whatever I do I hope!

  5. i find a crave chocolate when i'm low in iron. cacao is very high in it!

  6. Yes, I have heard that it is and high in magnesium I think. Thanks for sharing!

  7. When do you leave Kripalu? That sounds awesome! Good Luck going all raw again. I'm going through the same kinda thing, just got back to the States, and it's so cold and rainy I am just craving hot food!!

  8. I will be back from Kripalu the beginning of September. Yes, when it is cold outside it can be harder to be raw :-).
