
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Life outside of raw foods...

Yes, I suppose I do have a life outside of raw foods. Here is a picture of myself with some of my improv classmates. I love my improv classes because I laugh so much during them! A big heaping tablespoon of laughter is just as important to add to your life as eating raw foods! I have been taking improv classes with this particular group for almost a year now and I always have lots of fun with these friends!
On another note, I am aiming to begin another 30 day raw foods quest. I have been trying to do this and keep slipping up, but I am getting back up on that horse another time. So, this is day one of my new 30 day raw food diet. Right now I am considering making a dessert to last me for the week. Guess what I want to make? Chocolate pie! I know, again! I want to make it again. It is just that I have all of the ingredients for it and it is so good! I did make some mock tuna fish last night and ate it for lunch today in a salad, it was tasty. I will try and get a picture and recipe of it up soon!
On to my third topic for this post, I am making plans to go to New York city for a few days before going to Kripalu since I will be in the area. I hope to get together with lots of raw foodies and go to pure food and wine and some other delicious raw restaurants up there. I also hope to go to a broadway show! Well, need to go and memorize some lines for my acting classes.


  1. laughter is always a wondeful thing to do. The last time I was at Kripalu[seeing Snatam KAur. My friends sat on the lawn and honestly laughed for 3 hours straight. We were definately a sight to see in such a quiet serene place. We cried[happily] though the whole thing! Our faces hurt & that would probaly be called facial Yoga=-)


  2. Yes it is so fun and so healthy too. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  3. Hey April! When will you be in NYC?

  4. Gena,
    I will probably be there May 2nd and 3rd!

  5. We should totally grab raw lunch or dinner!

    And very soon, my own blog will be up.

  6. Hey April --

    Oops -- should have made clear that Gena and Eugenia are the same person -- me :)

    Let me know your email, when you can, and we can discuss plans to meet up in NYC!


  7. Gena,

    Oops. Well, you are on give it to me raw, right? Why don't we message each other through that. Yes, meeting up sounds great!
