
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Eating raw at Kripalu

I have been here at Kripalu for exactly one week now. I arrived on Monday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. I spent the day on Monday unpacking my things. I have a top bunk in a room with 23 other women. I have a couple of shelves, half of a closet, a bulletin board, and a night stand. I have worked on making my little section feel comfortable. On Tuesday we had orientation and on Wednesday we started working. My job is in production so I am working with setting the rooms up for the presenters workshops. One neat thing about this is that I get to meet a lot of people, some of which are well known. I had to set up for Michael Beckwidth this Friday which I thought was kind of neat. The people here are very nice and I feel that I will make great friends being here. I do feel overwhelmed because I have been so busy working as well as taking workshops and spending time with people. I need to really learn to schedule time to myself. I have been eating mostly raw while here. The food is great because there is a lot of fresh food including organic fruits and vegetables. The last picture here is a typical breakfast that I eat here. There is a delicious raw granola that they make here so I eat that with grapefruit. There is another girl here from Sweeden who has been eating raw with me and it has been great to have that support. Today I went to a raw food potluck and got to eat some great food and meet some great raw food people. One of the chefs in the kitchen here has been eating 100 % raw for two years and lost 70 pounds. The potluck was at his house and his before and after pictures are amazing. My typical day consists of waking up and doing yoga from 6:30 - 7:45. Then, I eat some breakfast and go to work for seven hours. In the evenings I go to a vigorous yoga class then to dinner. The evenings consist of walking to the lake or just talking and hanging out with people. Sometimes I get into the sauna before going to bed and then take a nice shower. Honestly, I do feel overwhelmed a bit but I think it will overall be a great summer. On a side note I don't think I will be able to prepare much raw food so most pictures may be the raw food I am eating here and raw potlucks. I don't think I will be posting too many recipes until I get back home in September.


  1. That's so great that you've found a supporting group to share your raw lifestyle with. I hope you continue to enjoy your time there!

  2. Glad to hear you are settled in and finding your rhythm. I lived in community for seven years, so I can fully understand and appreciate the feelings of overwhelm. These next four months are going to be an intense and accelerated period of growth and expansion for you. Let the magic happen and, remember, set some quiet time aside for yourself each day. Trust me, you'll need it to "decompress" and process.


  3. rock on Rachel. Love this blog, you bring a lot of great stories and info.


  4. I've been to Kripalu twice on retreats and their food is so amazing! I love everything about it, in fact.

  5. Thanks everyone for the supportive words! I appreciate it!
