
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Another Raw Food Potluck and a game of Croquet

It is another day here in the Berkshire mountains living at Kripalu. There was a raw food potluck this afternoon that was wonderful. I brought a simple grapefruit, orange and banana fruit salad. There were some wonderful flax crackers that had a mexican theme that were great, a mock tuna salad, corn salad, avocados, watermelon, freshly picked strawberries, brownies, chocolate dessert goodness, and sunburgers that I did not get a picture of. I made a wrap with the flax crackers, avocado, and mock tuna and I was in heaven. Once again after attending a raw potluck I feel inspired to eat raw food again. The food was so delicious and fresh and the people are incredible! I don't have a group shot to show here. I am waiting on Michael to send me the group shot he got with his camera. Michael if your reading this send it to me! After we ate we played a game of crocket and I of course won, j/k, I didn't win and let's just say I won't quit my day job to become a famous crocket player. I am so inspired by all of the wonderful people who were there. I am going to attempt to post more often showing my everyday meals. They most likely won't be gourmet since here at Kripalu I mostly eat salads but still it could possiblly be interesting so I will try and do it.

By the way, my birthday is tomorrow and I am excited because I don't have to work and am going out that night with some friends! I am off to bed and hope everyone has a great night and dreams about raw brownies!


  1. Hi my name is Michal and im a seventeen year old raw vegan. I just love reading your blog you have the tastiest and most creative recipes. Im glad you had fun at your raw potluck. And happy early birthday!! I hope you have a great day!


  2. YUMmy!, beaUtiful and Happy BIRTHday! :o)

  3. Thanks for reading my meandering thoughts and thanks for the birthday wishes!

  4. Happy Birthday April! Thanks for sharing the treat pictures:) Hope you had a fabulous birthday!!

  5. A belated, but heartfelt, Happy Birthday to You. So happy to hear you're enjoying your summer in the Berkshires. I'm glad you and Michael connected.

  6. Thanks! Glad you told me about Michael, the potlucks are great and he is a great support for anyone in the raw community!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday!!!

    Those brownies look awesome! I have definitely strayed away from eating all raw and I've been trying to incorporate more raw foods back in!

    Let me know when you get back or get time to check your email and I will get your email (send it to me again) and I will let you know about the ? you were asking me about. Sorry I didn't get back with you earlier- I've been busy creating my own website- you can check it out at

  8. Hope you had a great birthday, April. Don't worry about your croquet skills, as your dessert skills will take you anywhere you want to go.

    @ Melinda,

    Those brownies tasted as good as they looked! I think I had four, but who's counting?

  9. Melinda,
    Thanks for the information you e-mailed me and yes I wish you could have been there to have some brownies with us!!

    Thanks for the encouraging words although I did have my hopes set on being a famous crouquet champion!
