
Monday, June 8, 2009

Lasanga, chocolate cookies and lemon pie...finally getting my hands dirty in the kitchen again...

Last week my friend Marie-Lies came here to visit me at Kripalu. It was great having her here and while she was here I ate completely raw. She inspires me to eat completely raw! One night we did a short raw food prep demo for some of the other volunteers. We made chocolate pudding out of avocados, raw chocolate and agave nectar. It is so simple and so delicious. On her last night here we got together with the raw chef here at Kripalu made this raw lasagna and lemon pie. The lasanga was so amazing. I made the lemon pie and although it was good it was a little too rich for me. The filling was just made out of coconut butter, agave, and lemon. It was a little heavy on the coconut butter. Overall, it was nice having Marie-Lies come to visit me and I know many of the volunteers here enjoyed getting to know her as well! It was nice for me to get my hands into a kitchen again and make something. Although, lately I have been making lots of chocolate pudding and have been really happy with this dessert!


  1. That all looks delightful! What a wonderful time:)

  2. Great blog! I am loving that raw lasagna, and I agree about the avocado chocolate pudding thing - isn't it amazing how wonderful 3 simple ingredients can taste?

  3. Thanks for all of the great comments! Definitely great food and great people, the perfect combination. I agree about the raw chocolate pudding, it is so amazingly delicious. Lots of the volunteers here are hooked.

  4. I have been following your blog for a while now and I love it. This lasanga looks so incredibly tasty. I would love to make a varation of this myself - if you dont mind could you share the recipe? Thanks : )


  5. I'll second the lasagna recipe request. You sound like you're in a much better mood than you were last week! Amazing what good friends and good food can do for you. Hope to see you at the meetup on the 21st.

  6. That food looks delish!! My stomach is rumbling as I type this...

  7. Thanks ya'll! I am getting a lot of slack up north for saying ya'll :-). Yes, it was a delicious meal! The lasagna especially was one of the best ones I have had in a while!

  8. what a spread! All these looks fabulous :) Nice friends to share them with.

  9. Indeed, wonderful friends I have!!
