
Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Hello everyone, it has been such a while since I last posted anything. I am still here at Kriaplu doing yoga and learning about total well being and health. Honestly at times it is hard for me to be here. It sometimes feels a bit too serious and introspective for me. I miss going to Dad's garage in Atlanta (my favorite improv theater group ever!) and laughing my head off! Anyways, I am still learning a lot up here. I currently have decided to do a 5 - 7 day fast for healing, direction, and cleansing. I started on Monday night and today is my third day and so far so good. I have been drinking lots of water with lemon and raw honey and/or agave nectar. During dinner times I have been going into the sauna here at Kripalu to help my body detox. My energy feels a bit lower but I am sort of 1/3 of the way there. I am doing this fast with four other people and today we met during lunch time and traded giving each other massages which felt great. Most other people in the fasting group and doing the master cleanse but I am kind of doing my own cleanse and think I am doing fine with it. Sorry no pictures today, next post I will have pictures of some sort. Some good news is that I may possibly be going to New York on Sunday and/ or Monday and if that is the case wild horses would not stop me from going to Pure Food and Wine and Quintessence!!! My two favorite raw food restaurants EVER!!!!! Just a quick update and will write again soon!!!


  1. I just returned from NYC (I've been blogging about it), but I'll be returning at the end of this month!! I always go to Pure Food and Wine :-)

  2. I know you'll make it through the fast! I also know what you mean by food/eating/exercise being too serious sometimes. I am trying to just go with the flow as of late and it seems to be working much better:)

  3. Best of luck fasting!! I know you can do it!

  4. Thank you everyone. I made it through the day and have four more days to go, wish me luck.
