
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day Five of my Seven Day Fast!

This is the fifth day of my tea/honey/lemon fast and it is going great! I have had a good amount of energy although I haven't been doing any strenuous exercising I have been doing yoga in the mornings, working full time, etc. Today I had some pictures done while taking a hike with my boyfriend. I think he did a pretty great job. My colon has been cleansing a lot and I have been drinking smooth move tea every day which has helped me to detox my colon. I feel more radiant than I have in a while. I have also lost about five pounds which is nice to have my clothes fit a little bit better. I am doing this fast with four other volunteers here at Kripalu and they seem to be doing well on it. Some of them are following the master cleanse diet exactly but again I have done my own concoction. I am contemplating doing raw for 30 days after this cleanse is over so I can keep the benefits of it. Stay tuned I will post more on Monday which will be my last day thank goodness!


  1. SO glad that the fast is going well - good luck with the rest!!

  2. Hello Beautiful! Sounds as if life in the Berkshires is agreeing with you — challenging moments and all! You found a boyfriend, sitting among the wild flowers at Kripalu! How lovely.


  3. So happy your fast is going well. You have a glow that is brighter than that flower. Best wishes!

  4. That explains why I didn't see you at dinner last night! If you feel half as good as you look...

  5. Yes I have avoided the Kripalu dining room as much as humanly possible for this seven days.
