
Monday, July 13, 2009

Last Day Of My Fast and A Raw Food Demo!

So today was the seventh day of my fast and I am so glad that I did it. The acne of my face and back cleared up, I lost seven pounds, nails and hair are healthier and stronger, I feel cleaner, brighter and clearer. Now going back to eating again I want to try and keep the benefits I have experienced during this fast. I am going to try and do this by incorporating more running into my daily routine (I have a goal of 5 miles per day) and eating 100% raw for the next 30 days starting tomorrow.
On another note tonight I went to a raw food demo that was hosted by an employee here at Kripalu named Laura. This picture is of Lauren and her spread of wonderful food! She is a health coach and a self taught gourmet chef! She made a wonderful meal and half of it was raw food. Unfortunately I did not get to have any tonight since it would not be wise to break a fast with anything but fruit so I took some home and will sample it tomorrow. She made sun burgers which everyone enjoyed out of sunflower seeds, flax seeds, 5 different fresh herbs (rosemary, basil, cilantro, oregeno, etc), celery, orange bell pepper, and onions. She made a raw version and then she cooked some in a frying pan. She made a colorful kale salad, and marinated carrots to act as the french fries. She also had some amazing basil ice cream made out of coconut milk, agave and basil!
! I did sample this since the ingredients were so pure I knew it would not hurt my stomach! I wish I got a picture of this but it was AMAZING!!! It tasted like real ice cream!!! When I get back to Atlanta I am buying an ice cream maker and am making raw ice cream non stop! She really inspired me because I have never seen raw burgers made before and now I am more excited to branch out and try making them on my own. Tomorrow I get to eat!!!!! I am excited!!!


  1. Congratulations on finishing the fast!! Enjoy the good food :-)

  2. Can ya please answer me a question? I suffered from a parasite in my small intestines for 10 years before the doctors discovered it.(I drank West Virginia Spring water on a trip there) It was 1st diagnosed as IBS. My question is Do ya believe I could benefit from such a diet? I still suffer with upset stomachs every time I eat. This is from the damage the parasite caused. How would I go about it & is it expensive to do? Thanks for any help ya can give me.
    Congrats on ys success on ya fast.

  3. That food looks delicious! Those marinated carrot "french fries" sound delightful!

  4. What I want to know is: how come I didn't know anthing about this???

  5. Can we invite Lauren to the next raw meet up? That food looks amazing!

  6. Hey! I have enjoyed eating today!

    Poetic Dream, I don't know a lot about your condition in particular. There is a website called and there is a forum where you might find some people who could answer your question. Good luck and thanks for reading!

    Michael, Hey, sorry I found out last minute. It is Lauren who works here at Kripalu do you know her? You should let her know you want to come to her next raw food thing! I want to start running by the way and may talk with you about a good route around Kripalu that I can take.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I recommend buying an automatic ice cream maker. I have a hand crank one, and it just doesn't work as well as the ones that run on electricity. The raw food demo sounds lovely!

  9. Thanks for the help hun, I do enjoy reading about ya journey. It's interesting. I learn alot too.
