
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 2 of RAW for 30 Days!

This is my second day of eating 100% raw now that my seven day fast is over. I took a picture of my lunch that I had today. It was pretty good. I have been trying to eat pretty light since my fast has been over. This lunch features a cucumber salad with tomatoes and sunflower sprouts on top. I then sliced up oranges and apples (with cinnamon on top) and raisins and pumpkin seeds in the middle. After doing this fast I think I have realized that my body does much better when I am eating light foods. I tend to eat a lot of nuts and avocados (especially when they are in chocolate pudding) and my body seems to just hold on to these in my body. When I eat light foods filled with water they flow through my body much better and I have more energy overall. So my plan is just to eat nuts and avocados during breakfast and lunch and for dinner I want to stick to eating extremely light. I want to try and keep my benefits from the fast going. This is going to be hard for me to do because I love all of the gourmet heavy raw foods but I won't eliminate them I will just be more aware of how much I am eating and stick to eating mostly fruits and veggies. I also ran two miles this morning and I want to keep that up as well. My plan is to wake up at 6:30 and do yoga and follow that with a 2 - 3 mile run. I am going to try and keep taking pictures of my meals and will try and make them as creative as I can to give you ideas for ways to make eating simple exciting. I will say that tonight at dinner here at Kripalu they had mashed potatoes and I really wanted some but was able to stick with raw foods and walk by them.
I took this daisy picture during the sixth day of my fast and just wanted to share it because I thought it was pretty! I hope you like it :-). There are so many beautiful flowers here! Have a great night!


  1. Hey April! Just wanted to relay to you what I read out of the Raw Food Detox Diet book. The author suggested, and I agree, that heavy foods should be eaten later in the day. the reason for this is that it is more difficult for your body to digest these foods than fruits and veggies. Because of this extra work it can make you feel more sluggish. I switched my thinking and now go light all day and eat heavier later and I have a lot more energy than before. Try it for a few days and see what you think:)


  2. Thank you for the tip Nicole!

  3. Congrats on this goal, April! It sounds like you've been making some real spiritual progress this summer :)

  4. Great job, April! Are you eating 100% raw? I haven't reached that point, but eat as much raw as possible. It's much easier in the warm weather.

    Thanks for the great pictures:-)

  5. Thanks for the encouraging words! Not completely 100 % raw now trying to be while being patient with myself!

  6. Hey April, I just found your blog. I am a yoga teacher and raw food lover in California. I am about to start RAW for 30 this May and document it on my blog I am looking forward to reading your posts about your experience. Keep up the awesome work!

