
Friday, July 24, 2009

Green Smoothies

I have been making some green smoothies lately and this one is delicious!


5 oranges squeezed into orange juice
2 bananas
1 cup of spinach

I have been making this with a regular $13 blender that I bought from target. I have found that I have been struggling a lot with temptations of eating unhealthy. However, I won't beat myself up. Instead I will know that tomorrow is a new day and I can always have an amazingly refreshing green smoothie! Try it for yourself!


  1. I've completely fallen off my mostly raw food diet (raw breakfast and lunch) and am finding it difficult to climb back on. I get tired of certain things and struggle to find something else. The smoothies now make me gag - I can't stand the texture. So I'm making a load of green juice this weekend in a bid to make myself feel better. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Mmm! I love green juices and green smoothies. This one sounds amazing, I'll have to try adding orange juice to mine.

    I have been having such strong cravings lately! Sheesh, maybe it's something in the air...

  3. I really like the way this tastes. It basically tastes like an orange and banana smoothie and the spinach has a very mild taste (not overwhelming at all :-)

  4. Sounds delish! I will try this one soon:)

  5. I just found your blog. I want to go at least 75 to 80% raw. Last week I have my first green smoothies and love them. I am hoping to get a vitamix some day, but until then I have been using my magic bullet. This smoothis sounds great. I have not used oranges yet. You can see my first smoothies on my blog.

  6. Awesome, let me know if you try this recipe and if you like it :-)!

  7. Hi I found you through Tash at the Voracious Vegan. Glad I did. Your pics looks awesome.

    Hey it is tough not enjoying treats (especially when in a new country) but good idea on the not beating yourself up too. Am jealous of your Yoga experience and that is coming from a newbie to Yoga too.

  8. Hey,
    thanks for checking out my blog :-). yes I was lucky to be around so much yoga good luck on your journery towards health.
