
Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So this is my last week here at Kripalu. I am
leaving this Saturday to head first to New York for four days (watch out Pure Food and Wine and Quintessence!) They won't know what hit them :-)!
A fellow volunteer and friend here at Kripalu offered to take some yoga pictures of me for a small fee. She did such a great job and I wanted to share them here. I think I will use these to create a yoga website for myself.
I am heading back to Atlanta next Tuesday to begin my life there again. I will be teaching a class credit yoga course at a local community college, as well as teaching in the same community college gym. I want to try and support myself doing yoga full or part time so please send good vibrations my way so that this will happen!
I am glad and sad to be leaving Kripalu. I won't deny that being here for the summer has held many challenges for me. There were many times I wanted to leave earlier. However, overall I feel that this was exactly where I was supposed to be for the summer. I met some amazing people. All of the volunteers here are amazing, supportive loving, inspiring people who are walking their own healing path. One thing I learned about myself through being here is that I hate to disappoint other people. Sometimes I avoid disappointing others over following my own intuition and heart. I think I have learned how to share my truth with others here and deal with the disappointment they may face but know ultimately I have to follow my own inner guide and my own truth! Also by living in such a close community I think my communication skills have improved some. I also have learned about a lot of different kinds of yoga that I feel I can bring with me back to Atlanta.
Well, for now I am off because I need to pack but stay tuned and don't forget to follow your heart!


  1. I am glad you had such a great experience. Praful, Angela and I went to Power Yoga class this past weekend at the Forum at Lenox Mall and really enjoyed it. Hopefully, we will be able to grab a class with you when you get back.

  2. Really glad you've been connecting with yourself, dear April!

  3. Richard,
    That would be awesome if ya'll took a class with me :-). Can't wait to see you when I get back.
