
Monday, September 21, 2009

Raw Pizza makes my mouth sooooooo happy!

I was inspired to make my own raw pizza this weekend after trying the yummy raw pizza at Healthful Essence last weekend! I have made a raw pizza in the past that was good but this one made my mouth dance with joy! My brother's girlfriend tried it and said it tastes like real pizza which is exactly what I feel like! Anyways, I am going to be making this again and again and...well you get the point, it is going to be a definite staple for the rest of my life! I made two entire pizzas that were ready yesterday and they are mostly devoured except for three slices which I am trying to save. As far as the rest of my life I am feeling stressed out lately. I am really trying to think positively but am having a hard time with it. I really need a full time or at least part time job to complement my yoga jobs. I was hoping to teach yoga full time but am having trouble figuring out how to market myself. If you have any marketing tips please share them with me. I have even sent an application to teach english in south korea just because I need a job. Well, send me good energy and I will work on keeping optimistic :-)! Meanwhile here is the recipe for my pizza!

Pizza Ingredients:

Crust: 3 cups of golden flax seeds
1 cup of water

Marinara: 1 1/2 cups of sundried tomatoes, 4 organic tomatoes, 1/4 of an onion, 2 tablespoons of honey

Cheeze: 2 cups of cashews, 1/4 cup of water, 1/4 onion, sprinkle of sea salt

Topping: Package organic mushrooms, 3 bell peppers chopped up

Directions: Soak the flax seeds with the water for 30 minutes until is forms into a paste. Spread the flax seeds on the dehydrator. Make the marinara in a food processor or vitamixer and spread on top of flax seeds. Make the cashew cheeze in a vitamixer and spread on top of marinara. Finally, chop up the bell peppers and mushrooms and sprinkle on top of the pizza. Set the dehydrator at 115 degrees and leave in the pizza for fifteen hours. When done take it out and serve and enjoy!!!


  1. The pizza looks great April Thanks for experimenting for us : )

    I do pray you get a job soon. If not, the South Korea job may be just the thing for you!

  2. Pizza looks amazing! Good luck with the job...stay positive! Everything will work out the way it is suppose too : )

  3. Hi, I just happened upon your blog and this is the most delicious-looking raw pizza I've ever seen. Heck, it even looks better than a lot of cooked pizzas. I'm with you about finding a job. I graduate next semester and am hoping to find something related to my career for at least a year, and then hopefully I'll get into grad school. If you're interested, try to see if there are any jobs at your local census office (

  4. Thanks to everyone for the comments about my pizza! I can't say how tasty it is! I was surprised how much like a real pizza it tastes! I really hope you try it because it is so easy and so great! Thanks for all the encouraging words about the job!!
    Michelle, I was reading your blog and it looks like your training at 105 degrees! That is so great!

  5. Your pizza looks like a mirror image of the one at Healthful Essence :D

  6. Yes, it is pretty similar tasting except the cheese is not a bright orange like theirs but I like my cheeze a lot! Thanks Isle Dance!

  7. Your raw pizza looks lovely - but then again its not suprise, your food always does : )

  8. Thank you Michael!! So nice of you to say that.

  9. I have only eaten at a local raw restaurant and I agree, it was tastier than it's other counterpart!

  10. Yumm, your pizza looks so good! I know what you mean about trying to find a part time/ full time job these days! I am having the same issues marketing myself because I am a chef and NOT a business person at all! Maybe post fliers at your local health food store?? Good luck!

  11. Thanks, good luck to you and to myself! Glad you like the pizza :-).

  12. I can't stop thinking about this pizza so I'm making it this weekend! :)

  13. Good luck! I hope you like it!

  14. I made this pizza for my family a few weeks ago and it was delicious! We all loved it here in Roseburg, OR.

  15. I can tell my body functions better eating this way and so I am going to stick with 100% raw:-). = Totally awesome for you, glad you have found something that is working!!!!

    Pizza. love it!

  16. I made this pizza last night for eating today!! It turned out so GORGEOUS and smells wonderful!! I used 1 1/2 cups flax seed and 1 1/2 cups flax meal for the crust. And I only used about 3/4 cup sliced mushrooms and 1 red bell pepper for the topping (instead of 3 peppers). I ran it through calorie count and got the nutrition facts.
    Thanks so much!!

    Nutrition Facts
    Serving Size 1/8 pizza
    1 serving (245.1 g)
    Amount Per Serving
    Calories from Fat
    % Daily Value*
    Total Fat
    Saturated Fat
    Total Carbohydrates
    Dietary Fiber
    Vitamin A 43% • Vitamin C 116%
    Calcium 18% • Iron 33%
    * Based on a 2000 calorie diet
